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"Nadia..." I said upon returning to the top deck. "You should go now. Thank you for staying here with Asa. Join the others, I'll meet you again in a few minutes."

Nadia nodded. She had a sullen look u on her face as she left the deck, and now, the only occupants of the Airship were me and my blind friend.

 I found Asa sitting alone. She had stopped convulsing, but her petite body was shivering.

"Poor girl..." I said standing before her, putting my hands on the back of her neck and head and pulling her towards my chest. "I... didn't think any of that would happen. It was all just... spontaneous. I let you suffer, didn't I?"

I desperately wanted to hear her voice. I wanted her to say 'It is not your fault, Gustavo. Such things cannot be controlled'. But she didn't. I wouldn't hear her speak for a while, after all  those things she experienced. But she did do one thing. 

She wrapped her arms around my waist in a hug. I felt her trembling hands squeeze the back of my shirt. I let her hold me in that position for a minute. I needed it as much as she did. I needed to remind myself that I was still human, regardless of what came my way. After I got a hold back on reality, I took her arms and gently pulled them away from me. She stopped shivering. I crouched down to her level and unzipped her hood. Her face was still as expressionless as ever. Beads of sweat dripped down her skin. I took a handkerchief that I bought in Ait Benhaddou's market out from my pocket and wiped her face and neck dry.

"I know you don't need to eat to survive, but you still need water sometimes," I said, while pulling my backpack out from the overhead compartment above our seats. "That's what your mom told me. Your mom..." I paused to think of a good choice of words that wouldn't reveal Madame's death. "...isn't here with us, so for the time being, I'll care for you. You know that, right?"

I took my steel water bottle out of the bag and unscrewed the lid. I brought the opening of the bottle close to her lips, preparing to pour its contents into her mouth, but unexpectedly, her hand shot up, taking the bottle and drinking the water by herself. I felt myself beam a little bit, realizing that she wasn't totally helpless.

"Fine, the both of us will care for you, alright?"

She didn't respond as she handed me back my water bottle. I put it back in my bag and double checked to make sure I had all my belongings. I put its straps over my shoulders in way that had the pack on my chest, rather than on my back. This allowed me piggyback Asa comfortably. Before I knew it, Asa zipped her hood by herself, and I hoisted her onto my back and left the Airship through its ramp. 

On my way out, I passed through the medical deck. On one of the beds laid Devi's unconscious, or rather, deactivated form, still dressed in her scrubs. She looked like she was sleeping. She looked... peaceful. I guess that's what she deserved after facing Danny's wrath. Even after knowing them for four years, I still didn't know much about their history together. I didn't know whether it was Devi or Danny who was in the right. I didn't want to pick sides; I cared about them equally. I tried not think about it as I looked at her for a good five seconds, giving me time to say goodbye to her, although she wouldn't say it back. Stepping out onto the arid, almost lifeless land that the craft was facing, I found Nadia standing nearby.

"This is Saint Helena, huh?" she said.

"Yeah," I said. "The island that was lost for 40 years. Until now."

"Apparently, the area we landed in is called the Prosperous Bay Plain. Doesn't seem very prosperous to me, though."

She was partially right. The land seemed dead. There were very few plants and no animals at all in sight. But behind the Airship, we could see a rocky beach with a nice view of the ocean. I thought maybe I'd come walk out there with Asa, but not soon. 

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