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The sky was dark, but not empty. A spectacular show of light dotted it.

"So those are stars, huh?" Daniel asked as I lay beside him on the rooftop of our temporary home. "Crazy how I'd never seen them until just a few years ago."

"They really are pretty." I remarked.

It was incredibly peaceful. No one was awake at this time, and it would've been perfectly quiet if it weren't for the noises of a loud insect some distance away from us.

"How was Laila?" He asked without turning his head. I was surprised he'd ask about a random child he'd only seen that day.

"She was an absolute angel," I answered wholeheartedly. "She talks a lot for her age and she can even say thank you in English, Arabic and Berber."

"Her parents must've taught her well."

"Yeah. Connor's a really great dad. Aren't you happy for how far he's come?"

"I'm happy for him. Say, did he tell you anything about... the... marriage?"

The marriage? I was surprised. Daniel never brought that topic up in the four years we'd been together.

"Well... he did, yeah. He told me that even if it did happen, he'd find a way out of it. I guess I would've been alright either way."

I would've, but not Daniel. Not my poor, precious Daniel.

"That's great to hear," he said, in his typical, dull way of talking. "He's married though, right?"

"Yeah, he is. To a Moroccan woman."

"Ah, that's why their daughter has a name like that. Have you met her yet?"

"Not yet." I told him simply. "But Connor said he'll take us to his house when times are less hectic."

I said 'us' as if Daniel would even be interested in visiting them.

I turned my eyes to his face and saw him mouth something, probably repeating the last word of my sentence.

"Daniel, do you want to say something?" I put my right hand on top of his left.

"What do you see in us? In the future, I mean?" He said sternly.


"Be honest, D. What do you want out of us being together?"

"What kind of question is that? Isn't it obvious?"

"I'd like to hear it actually come from you, though."

I sighed. I didn't know what Daniel was trying to get at, but I answered him anyway.

"You know, I'd like us to get good jobs, be less dependent on Ally. Get a nice, big house. Tie the knot, too," I laughed, rubbing the back of his fingers with my thumb.

"I want that too," he said. "But please, go on."

"Adopt a little one or, maybe three, and your dad can help us take care of them when he gets better. How exciting's that?"

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