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"Computer, turn on auto pilot." I directed the Airship's system.  I stood alone in the room where two bodies laid in just shortly before, one of them having been dead for two minutes.

"Auto pilot: activated." the system confirmed.

"Find nearest flat landmass." I said. I knew that in the few minutes between the alarms starting to blare and myself being left alone in the cockpit, the Airship traveled a very large distance off course in a very short time. The autopilot wasn't meant to be a long-term solution to there being no one to guide the Airship; it was temporary and as such, the rest of the flight wasn't going to be very comfy.

"Landmass found: Saint Helena." It said after a minute of searching. 

"Hell, I didn't know this thing went that far. Middle of the Atlantic Ocean," I told myself. "Computer, send the Airship to Saint Helena."

"Destination: Saint Helena. Expected to arrive in 20 minutes." It confirmed.

I left the cockpit and saw Connor wrapping Gus' forehead with gauze. He hurt it when he was pushed to the ground by Mr. Sterling. 

"How are you doing, Gus?" I asked him, but I already knew what his response was going to be.

"I... could be better. I really, really didn't expect that to happen. At all."

His voice sounded restrained, but I could also make out that he didn't want to sit still any longer. He wanted to move forward.

"I know, Gus. I didn't- I didn't wanna see that either. I didn't want it to happen. But we will get past this. Together."

I squeezed his shoulder gently.

"Yeah," he said. "Together."

"Devi," Connor told me as I was about to walk away. "Where's this ship headed now?"

"Saint Helena." I said.

"Bloody hell. That island's been unheard of for the last 40 years. Are you sure that's what the computer told you?" he asked. I knew what happened to the island. It was the first place the Narks had conquered on earth. After they ran out most of the population, the island had gone out of contact with the rest of the world.

"Yes, it is. But we don't really have any other choice. It's the closest piece of land that this thing can land safely at. Any further and this thing won't have enough power to keep flying."

"I suppose you're right. We can call for help there. Oh and, by the way," Connor said as I was about to leave his company. "What are you gonna do now?"

"Now? I'm gonna go see Daniel."

"I wouldn't suggest doing that now. Or for the next week. He should be left alone."

"Connor, I've lived with him for four years. I know what he's capable of."

"You've known him for four years, but have you dealt with him? Do you know how to control his outbursts? I won't grill you on it, but you should really reconsider this."

I tried walking off. I needed to see him. I knew him the best out of anyone on the Airship. I wanted to help him recover.

"Devi, don't." Gus said, grabbing my hand. "You don't understand what he's going through. He just met his dad, and now... he's dead. I don't either but-

I ignored him and went straight for the part of the deck sectioned off by curtains, where Daniel was probably brooding in.

"Devi!" Gus said, trying to run after me, but Connor held him back.

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