Oh Dad, it's an Epilogue

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Waves crashed against the shore as Lucifer stood there, observing his friends and family. Chloe was with Linda, gushing over baby Charlie while caressing her own swollen bump.

Boy had that been a surprise. After being gone  for nearly six months sealing up Hell, he returned to find out that birth control did not, in fact, stand up to Celestial spunk after all. Chloe had been afraid that he might be upset, but he simply spun her around the room and asked if she still wanted to marry him...as if there had been any doubt.

They decided to get married at the same beach they'd shared their first kiss at. In addition to their closest human friends, several of his angelic siblings showed up as well. Even his twin was there, and for once not wearing that Dad-awful Tweed of his. He was currently out on the makeshift dance floor they'd set up for the reception, taking turns between spinning Ella and Daniel. It seemed his twin had as much of a penchant for threesomes as Amenadiel.

Definitely hedonistic Devil approved.

Suddenly, Lucifer felt a chill go up his spine, and a voice he hadn't heard in Millenia sounded behind him.

"Nice wedding, son."

He turned around and there, in all his glory was God himself.


"Hello Lucifer, it's good to see you."

"Well I can't say the same! Look, I don't have an infinite amount of time before the Detective and I are separated eternally, so I'd like to enjoy what I have without you ruining it!"

God sighed and looked out over the sea.

"I can understand why you feel that way, I haven't been the best father to you."


"However, there are two things that you should know. One, you are not banned from Heaven and can visit anytime you like. Two, Chloe is not going to die anytime soon, if ever."

Lucifer looked at his father like he had three heads.

"What the me are you talking about?"

"Son, did you really think I'd send a gift to you that would die in a handful of years? That's too cruel to even contemplate. No, the minute you and Chloe declared your love for each other, her immortality kicked in. She will no longer age past the point she is now."

"And what of her offspring? She won't want to outlive Beatrice anymore than I do."

"Oh, she'll be given the same gift as soon as she's an adult, " God said as he gave his son a wink," I've got great plans for her and her sister."

"Well I guess one doesn't need a gender reveal with you around."

The Almighty laughed out loud at that, then before Lucifer could blink, he wrapped him up in a fierce embrace.

"I love you, son, and I am so sorry for what you went through. Please enjoy your new family, and come see me when you're ready. I'll be waiting Starshine."

Lucifer closed his eyes against the stinging sensation threatening to overtake them. When he opened them again his father had already disappeared.

He shook his head and turned around to see Chloe heading over to him.

"Everything okay?"

"Yes, my love, everything is for once, okay."

He put his arm around her shoulders and led them back to the reception area. He'd inform her of the whole immortality thing later, but for now? He was going to enjoy being with the love of his life and everyone else that held a place in his heart.

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