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"Bye Trix! Have fun with Dad!" Chloe said as she sent her daughter off with Dan. As soon as the door was closed, she slumped against it. Her daughter had kept her thoughts occupied for most of the plane ride home, but now she was alone, and her brain would not stop trailing to the devil. She was both desperate and hesitant to see Lucifer. She had come to the decision while in Rome that he was still the same man she'd always known and therefore she no longer felt afraid...of him at least. The unknown factors surrounding the existence of the devil are a different story.

Heaven, Hell, and everything in-between was real. How could she ever hope to have a normal relationship with Lucifer when faced with that? It was enough to make her brain explode.

"I need a drink," Chloe muttered, pushing herself off the door. She went to her kitchen to rummage for a bottle of wine when suddenly she heard "Sup Decker?" in her ear.

The closeness of the voice caused Chloe to jump several feet in the air. She finally calmed her breathing enough to glare at the owner of said voice. "Jesus Maze, you scared the shit out of me!" she panted. Maze just laughed at how jumpy her roommate was. "Relax Decker, it's just me" she said.

Chloe raised her eyebrow at that. "Just you huh? Would that be the knife throwing bounty hunter you or the rampaging demon version?". Maze winced at that. "Look Chloe," she started "I know me being a demon can seem kind of scary, but I wouldn't hurt any of you".

"Oh really?" So you weren't hurting anyone when you called Trixie a brat? What about when you gaslit me and coerced me into a commitment with a man you knew to be a killer! "Chloe shouted.

"I did some stupid shit," Maze said quietly, "but I'd like the chance to talk it out with you if I can, please?". The detective sighed and grabbed a second wine bottle. "Okay, let's talk," she said, "but were definitely going to need more alcohol for this". "Way ahead of you Decker, "Maze smirked as she pulled a vodka bottle out from behind her back.

They sat for quite a while drinking and comparing notes about events with a Celestial background. While Chloe still didn't agree with a lot of the things her demonic roommate has pulled lately, the motives behind her actions made a little more sense now.

It was sometime later that Maze left to visit Linda. The fact that they were getting along again gave Chloe hope that she could have a similar reconciliation with Lucifer. She stumbled up the stairs and flopped on her bed, vowing to seek out her wayward devil as soon as she was a little more sober.


Journal Entry dated September 28th, 2018

I landed in Los Angeles just after midnight. The so-called City of Angels is anything but in my observation. The amount of sin and destruction I've observed around me is nearly enough to make me go back to Rome. How does a light as perfect as Chloe Decker shine in such a dark place? I obtained lodging at one of the local monasteries under the guise of missionary work. Oh, if they only knew just how ungodly the work I have planned here is. I should be ashamed of the sinful thoughts that invade my mind regarding Chloe, but her pull is just too strong. Surely something as magnificent and beautiful as Miss Decker can't be a crime against the almighty.

It was disturbingly easy to obtain information on Chloe's address. Apparently, having a famous mother and a brief career of her own made gaining knowledge on the internet quite efficient. After renting a car, I drove towards the address I found and there I spotted her. She had just handed off her young daughter to a man who I am assuming is the father and then went inside. Oh, she looked even more exotic than the last time I had gazed upon her. I have no idea how long I sat there observing her in the window, but at some point, a mysterious woman in leather accouterments left the abode and Chloe herself disappeared. I did not recognize this new person, but she gave off a disturbing aura that chilled me to my bones. Perhaps this was one of the figures in Miss Decker's tales that had disturbed her so? If that is the case, she will have to be eliminated before she can pull my beloved into further distress. It is clear I have more research to perform on the people in Chloe's life before I can approach her again.

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