Ding-dong the Witch is Dead...Sort Of.

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The scene at the monastery was nothing short of horrific.

Blood and body parts were strewn everywhere. Even some of the more seasoned cops on the scene were having a hard time trying not to hurl.

Chloe was no exception. She ended up having to borrow Lucifer's pocket square and hold it against her nose just to breathe. Ella, being used to guts and gore of all kinds, was tagging and bagging things with her usual enthusiasm.

"Is...everyone in this place dead?" Chloe asked.

"Well you'd certainly think so from the looks of things," Ella mused," But there are at least 5 bodies missing".


"Let's see," Ella pulled up something on her tablet, "initial DNA analysis on the different blood splatters linked all the body parts to those present except for three monks, and Father William Kinley. There was also blood present for a man named Julian McCaffery, but he's missing too".

"Well then," Lucifer said as he came up behind them," it seems that either all five of them are dead and moved somewhere else or one of them is the murderer".

Before Chloe could respond, a uni motioned for her to come down to the basement level. The scene there was just as disturbing as the upper level. There was a pentagram drawn in the floor and what looked like charred hearts on each of the points. Lucifer paled at the sight and grabbed onto Chloe's arm.

"Detective.... I think I know where our missing bodies are".

"What do you mean?" Chloe asked, confused.

"This set-up...it's what one would use if they wanted to summon a demon".

Chloe's eyes widened, "and that ritual actually works?!".

"Yes, it does, provided you've assembled the correct type of blood sacrifices".

"Well, if you think that's creepy, "Dan said as he handed Chloe a leather-bound notebook, "take a look at this".

Chloe opened the journal and started reading. Lucifer noticed that with each page she seemed to get paler and paler. She ended up throwing the book to the floor and running out of the room. Lucifer picked it up before chasing after her. He found her a few minutes later, outside of the monastery, retching into the bushes. He put a hand on her back, and rubbed soothing circles on it, trying to calm her down.


"You were right," she said once she finally straightened back up," Kinley was obsessed with me. He had notes in his journal about watching my house, sending those weird gifts, and....and trying to kill you!".

Chloe broke down in sobs, Lucifer pulled her tightly against him, vibrating with rage as hellfire flashed through his eyes.

"I'll kill him".

"Provided whatever demon he summoned didn't do it for you," she sniffed.

"Did his ramblings happen to mention which creature he managed to get ahold of?".

"I don't know," Chloe said as she wiped her eyes, "I didn't finish reading it".

"Let's crack this thing open and have a look then".

Lucifer flipped through the journal, eyes flashing angrily over the entries describing the level of stalking that the priest went to. He got to the final pages Kinley wrote before becoming fully possessed, face becoming alarmed at the knowledge of who exactly was summoned.

"Lucifer, what is it?" Chloe asked.

"Dromos," he said with a hint of fear, "that fool summoned Dromos, one of my most powerful and deadly demons outside of Mazikeen. Even she couldn't stomach his level of violence".

That frightened the Detective even more. A demon that even Maze was wary of is not one that needed to be running around Los Angeles.

"Okay, how do we deal with him?".

"First, I need you to go get Beatrice out of school," he reaches into his pocket and hands her a silver key, " this will open the gate to my house on the hills, you remember it from the Sinnerman case. Take the child there, and do not open the door to anyone unless it is me. I will explain things to Daniel and Miss Lopez before sending them to stay with Linda".

"What are you going to do?"

"Try and get ahold of Maze and my siblings to see about 'rounding up the cattle' as it were".

"Alright," Chloe said before taking the key and giving Lucifer a quick peck on the lips, "try not get yourself killed, okay?".

"Of course, they can't keep a Devil down for long, Detective," he grinned.

She shook her head before walking away towards her car. As soon as she had driven away from the scene, Lucifer's smile faded as he proceeded to call Maze and Amenadiel and let them know what was happening.

Hopefully, he could keep his promise of not dying...for all their sakes.


Chloe pulled up to the door of her apartment and parked before turning around to face Trixie.

"Now, I am going to go inside and get a few things for us, stay in the car and keep the doors locked. Do not let anyone open the doors other than me".

"Okay, Mommy".

Chloe gave the girl a smile before getting out and heading inside. She grabbed a gym bag out of the hallway closet and went about fetching some clothes and essentials for both her and Trixie. She had just finished packing up her daughters stuffed alien, when she heard glass shatter outside, followed by a shrill scream.


Quickly, she ran out of the girl's bedroom and headed towards the front door. Before she could get there, however, a blinding pain hit the back of her head and everything went dark.


Apologies for taking so long to update, but my Lucifer inspiration well has run dry as of late. This isn't a huge update but it will get the ball rolling for the next chapter!

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