Devils, Douches, and Gifts on the Sly

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The following Monday Lucifer and Chloe arrived at a crime scene. During their talk, they had decided to take things slowly and see where they lead. They knew for certain that they wanted to be partners and friends again. However, despite her celestial breakdown, Chloe couldn't deny that her feelings ran much deeper than friends. She wasn't sure if they would get back to that moment on the balcony before everything went crazy, but she felt they were heading in the right direction.

"What do we have, Ella?" Chloe asked the forensic scientist, who was currently kneeling over the corpse. "Decker!" Ella shouted as she jumped up and grabbed Chloe in a tight hug. "I am so glad your back," she said as she peered over the detective's shoulder, "and Lucifer too! Ah man what a great day.... well, except for the dead guy...I mean his day sucks but...". "Ella!" Chloe shouted before her friend could go on a further tangent, "the body?".

"Oh right" Ella cleared her throat to resume a professional tone. "Victims name is Pablo Silva, age 36" she continued "He's a jewelry designer from Mumbai, apparently he was flying in to meet with his broker over a new piece. That's who found the body". She pointed over to a silver-haired man dressed in a tan business suit who was currently being interviewed by Dan.

"Thanks Ella, "Chloe said as she and Lucifer walked over to talk to the witness. Dan looked up from his notepad with a snarl of disgust. "What the hell is he doing here?!" He growled while pointing at Lucifer. "That bastard has no right..." "Dan! That is enough!" Chloe said firmly. She pointed to a corner away from the scene and said "Over there. Now!". Dan grumbled but complied with her request.

Chloe gave Lucifer a sympathetic look. "I'll be back in just a minute" she said before walking over to where Dan was stewing. "Not to worry, Detective!" he called after her, "I'll just keep our witness entertained whilst you deal with the douche". Chloe shook her head as she approached her ex-husband. "Dan, what the hell is wrong with you?" she whispered harshly, "this is not appropriate behavior".

"Oh, but it's appropriate to have that sleaze here?!" he said furiously, "He has no right to anything after Charlotte!". "Dan! Just stop!" she snapped. "The only people responsible for Charlotte's death is Pierce for shooting her and Charlotte herself for knowingly investigating a dangerous crime boss by herself. No one told her to take on the Sinnerman solo, and they certainly didn't tell her to jump in front of a bullet for Amenadiel!".

"Wait..." Dan stuttered, "she did what?!"

"She jumped in front of Amenadiel," Chloe repeated, "He was Pierce's intended target".

"Why would she do that?" he asked. "I don't know Dan, maybe because that was her step-son?" she said. Lucifer had relayed to her the complicated story of how Charlotte had been related to them, but she wasn't about to tell her ex that.

"My point is, you can't keep taking your anger out on those who don't deserve it," Chloe told him. "I'm sorry you're hurting, and I get it, but you are not the only one that lost Charlotte and you need to stop acting like it."

Chloe straightened her jacket and looked Dan straight in the eye. "Lucifer is my partner, and nothing is going to change about that. You either grow up and deal with it or get the hell off my crime scene". With that Chloe walked back towards her partner and the investigation.

After following what leads they could out in the field, the devil and the detective headed back to the precinct.

When they approached Chloe's desk, she saw a vase sitting on it, filled with beautiful red and white orchids. She picked up the arrangement and sniffed them. They smelled heavenly.

"Oh Lucifer," she called out, "you shouldn't have!". He gave her a look of intense confusion. "As much as I'd like to take the credit, Detective, those are not from me".

It was Chloe's turn to be confused now. "But if you didn't send them, who did?" she asked. "Looks like you might have a secret admirer," Ella said as she walked up to them. "Careful Lucifer, you might just have some competition!" she joked.

"I assure you Miss Lopez, there is no one that can compete with me" he said in an offended huff. Chloe just rolled her eyes and asked Ella if she had something for them.

"So," she started, "inventory of the plane confirmed that there was one item missing, a one-of-a-kind rosary made with diamonds and sapphires". "And get this," Ella continued excitedly, "There's an exclusive auction going down tomorrow night that's known for religious themed items".

"That's certainly one place that someone could pawn off that type of jewelry," Chloe pondered, "if we find out who puts up the rosary at the auction it may lead to our killer".

"Well then, "Lucifer clapped his hands, "Looks like we're going undercover, Detective".


Journal Entry dated October 10th, 2018

After a brief inquiry as to which desk belonged to Chloe, I left her gift there without drawing attention to myself. I chose the white and red orchids because they reminded me of my beloved's soul, purity with a hint of fire. Oh, but how that fire sends a yearning to the depths of my very being. I did not attach anything indicating where the flowers were from, as I don't wish to reveal my intentions too early. Hopefully, that partner of hers does not attempt to take the credit. I highly doubt it, as my research into his background has shown him to be a prolific womanizer. But, as Daniel did not underestimate the danger of the lions when he entered their den, I shall not underestimate this man who calls himself the devil.

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