Roasted Nightclub with a Side of Reunions

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Chloe raced to Lux, sirens blaring. She was trying to maintain a sense of calm, but her thoughts kept running away from her.

What if he's hurt?

What if he's dead?!

How am I supposed to live without....

"Decker!" Ella shouted from the passenger seat, snapping Chloe out her spiral. "I said," she repeated, "Lucifer should be okay right? I mean he's come out of some pretty serious scrapes before". Chloe tried to reassure her as much as possible.

"I really hope so, Ella" she told her, "but we won't know anything certain until we get there".

When they arrived at the scene, Chloe saw how half of the nightclubs side had exploded, leaving a huge hole in the wall. Just when she was about to panic, out stepped Lucifer. His hair and clothes were a mess and he was covered in black soot, but otherwise he was unharmed.

"Ah! Hello Detective!" He said cheerfully, "as you can see, someone thought Lux could use an outdoor patio!".

That nonchalant attitude is what finally made Chloe lose her hold on her emotions. She ran towards her devil and wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace.

"You're okay, you're okay" she kept repeating as she sobbed into his chest. Lucifer refrained from mentioning anything about being immortal, instead choosing to hold and comfort his distraught girlfriend.

"There, there, Chloe," he murmured into her hair, "No harm me anyways". A niggling thought in the back of Chloe's mind wondered how exactly he was okay, but she chose to ignore it for the moment. She looked up and gave Lucifer a watery smile before kissing him with all the passion she could muster.

Of course, Dan chose that exact moment to walk onto the scene and witness everything. "What the hell?!" he shouted, "Chloe you're not seriously sleeping with that bastard now, are you?!".

The couple broke apart, with Chloe turning and giving her ex-husband a death glare. "Dan, I swear to...whoever...that if you don't shut the hell up and get away from me, I am going to shoot you!".

For once, Dan chose to take his ex-wife's threat seriously. He shut his mouth and walked over to where some of the uniformed officers were combing through the rubble.

Chloe turned back to Lucifer, who was giving her an impressed look. "Detective, "he purred, "I think I like this side of you". She rolled her eyes and swatted him on the arm. He gave her a cheeky grin which had Chloe smiling in return.

Ella ran up to the couple and gave Lucifer a rib crushing hug. "I'm so glad you're okay buddy," she said, "I guess the Big Guy was looking out for you".

"I assure you, Ms. Lopez, that I am the last person my father would look out for," he said with an annoyed look.

Chloe decided to head off the conversation before her boyfriend went on any further rants about his Dad. "What can you tell us about the bomb, Ella?" she asked the lab tech.

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