Now or Never

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Lucifer was on a mission.

Ever since Amenadiel had brought the subject of marriage up at Linda's baby shower, Lucifer could think of little else. He'd finally concluded that, he did, in fact, want to marry Chloe. The question now was how to go about asking her. Before he could do that, however, there was one person he needed to consult.

"Urchin, could you come here for a moment?".

Lucifer was babysitting Trixie, while her mother caught up on paperwork at the station. Chloe was a little wary when her boyfriend had volunteered for the job, but she wasn't going to look a gift sitter in the mouth. What she wasn't aware of, is that Lucifer had ulterior motives when he asked to watch the offspring.

"What's up, Lucifer?" Trixie said as she plopped on the couch next to him.

He took a deep breath and let it out. "Beatrice, you know how much I care about your mother, don't you?".

"Well, duh! Anyone with eyes can see how much you two love each other".

"Well, then," Lucifer gulped, "would you have any objection to me asking for the Detective's hand in unholy matrimony?".

Trixie's eyes turned into giant saucers. Her smile began to widen before she let out the most ear-splitting shriek the devil had ever had the misfortune of hearing.


"So, I take it that you approve?".

"Of course, I do, you big dummy!" Trixie squeaked as she gave the devil a tight hug, "does this mean I'll get to call you Dad too?".

It was Lucifer's turn to go wide-eyed. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, offspring, I still need you to help me plan a way to ask her".

She nodded enthusiastically, and they got to work.


Chloe had a million thoughts going through her mind as she drove to the location Lucifer had given her. Both he and he daughter had been acting squirrely for the last week, but she just couldn't pinpoint the reason why.

She made it to the spot he told her about, recognizing it as the stretch of desert that he'd been at when he first got his wings back. She parked next to his car and got out. Chloe noted that the stars were a lot brighter out here than they are in the city.

"Lucifer? Where are you?"

She walked around his car and noticed a trail of flower petals, starting at the hood of the Corvette. She followed them until she came upon the ridge that she spotted Lucifer on. There was a blanket laid out, along with a small picnic basket and a bottle of wine sitting in a small cooler of ice.

"Lucifer?" Chloe said in wonder, "What is all of this?".

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