St John's College

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                Dark in the night, year 1998,st John's College. It rained heavily, lighting struck in the sky and thunderstorm could be heard through the woods.
   "please don't kill me, please". He cried out struggling through the bushes.
      "shut up! Next time you will never do that again". A voice replied from the shadows, approaching footstep crept closer to the boy from the bushes.
            "please spare my life.... Mr Dorky is begging". He begged and squeezed his rag doll ~HI! Go to bed ~
         "you mock me?". It cried.
   "no! No! No! Please no!".
Light from the moon reflected on a steel surface, it was a pocket knife, sticking it out
    "to hell with you mother fucker". It yelled and stabs the boy repeatedly. It was a brutal scene, the boy drowned in his own pool, his blood flow through the sands and soaked his doll. Then something strange happened his doll started weeping blood.......... It all began.
              Present day in st John's, the clouds were dark, lightning struck and thunder storms could be heard. It was about raining when Josephine had just pulled into the school premises with max.
         "Max!" staring through the rear view mirror. "what are you doing? We are here".
         "playing games and trying to get my mind off the fact that I am being enrolled into the hostel",hisses and looks out the window. Josephine exhaled deeply then turn to look at the raging max.
         "Max, we don't have to do this again. I have told you the hostel is what you need in order for you to be responsible". She said as she alighted and went for the boot.
         Max started grumbling.
      "why can't I just stay at home? Why can't we move to another place?........ Oh! I see you only care about yourself and your job, how I wish dad were here.. He would have..........."
        "don't you dare?". Slapping him shut. "you know how hard I have strive for our progress since he passed away and this is what I get". Wiping away the tear running down her cheeks "that's it, we will not have this discussion again".  She started offloading the luggage and dragged them with her to the administration block.
          They walked into the reception, and  she started enrolling max into the school's hostel.
        "I want to see the administrator".
       "that way ma".
They went into the office.
         " Good morning ma, bad weather out there right, please have a seat". A calm and gentle man on casock said. Gestured at max. "your son?".
          "yes sir".
   "emmh, sorry it's father.... That's what I am referred to here".
      Josephine became puzzled, trying to understand what she had heard. "whaaa".
          "are you catholic?"
       "yes, but we are not really strong in our faith due to Somethings........." she replied in monotone, Max immediately pinched her on the hand and whispered
            "you know we are not catholics".
          She pushed his hand and nursed her sore gently. "it will be a pleasure if my son could know more about our faith".
         "well, he would surely come around with time",looking at max. "boy what's your name?",He asked.
    "my name is max and I don't like it here... I mean it's creepy", max answered.
   "meaning what?", Josephine glared at max.
       "don't worry ma, son it's nice that your mom has done her best to bring you here. By the way I am revered father Thomas chinenye and you can come to me for counseling with time or even for help", dialing on his telephone,"hello!yes! Please send in the student."
            Soon, a tall fair boy walked into the  office.



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