Who is Nicodemus?

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        The sun rised in the clouds, that beautiful, warm morning breeze blew in the hostel, but today was a sad day for the students, the death of the three men went round to dormitory like a wild fire. Theresa, Ernest, the police and a bunch of other catholic officials had cane. They started investigating and interrogating other staff members in which during their course found something written on the wall with blood in Thomas office, "IT'S NICODEMUS, HELP IT'S HERE", it read.
            "what does this mean? Who is Nicodemus and why are all this happening", everyone questioned in the meeting held by the council.
         The students were given the day off to arrange their things to return home the following day, it was a free day, some went to the field to play and
Others parked their stuffs. Meanwhile, Max was in the library alone hacking into the schools record looking for students who go by the name Nicodemus and found a file of a boy called Nicodemus Smith popularly known as the Drooler because he was gay and used to waking up at night to sex boys in their sleep. It said, he was meant to graduate with the 1998 set, but for some reason his body was found lying dead in the incinerator forest behind the school.
        "does that mean Nicodemus was a student murdered in this school?",
On saying these words, the computers went off and a shadow of a little doll ran passed him. He made for the door ~BANG~the door smashed close and disappeared. Max screamed for help and was teleported to where Nicodemus was killed, there he saw him sat hidden in the roots of a tree.
            "hey! Come closer don't worry I won't hurt you.. I might be known as the Drooler, cause I drool on seeing a guy's cork, but I am nice", then roaring at Max, "help me", he screamed. Max ran away with all his might and fell into a hole which teleported him to Thomas office. By now, the day was almost over, the sun started setting in the sky, students started going for prep while Theresa and Ernest were leaving the school after concluding the meeting.
         "don't you really think what those kids from the other day said could be true?", Ernest asked Theresa who was looking out the car window at the students roaming round the school.
           "why did you say so?",
    "well maybe, because after listening to them and all the evidence we have seen from what just happened and the police report of the blood on the wall not father Thomas blood....... I feel like there something wrong",ernest said reaching for the files in his bag. "I feel like it is a message".
        Theresa gave her attention to what her husband was insinuating,
"welcome to the hostel, New boy", she read out fidelix report of the writing on the wall, then Ernest gave her the report of the writing on Thomas office wall.
       "it's Nicodemus, help it's here" she read out again looking at her husband in confusion.
           "maybe if you  read it together in order we might get the message", he suggested, holding  both reports, she read again,
immediately, her soul was teleported to a dark place where she saw Nicodemus sitted on his bed cuddling his rag doll.
          "what happened to you?"
    "I and dorky were just playing with the new kid... That's all", he replied and started laughing spookily.
       "what do you want with the kid? Why are you doing this?", she begged.
Nicodemus started stammering, "I just need....... It's not..... Not my....". Dorky woke up, "what's your deal woman? Why don't you save the kid?", it shrieked and made her conscious.
        "Ernest, we have to return to the school. We have to save that kid.... Max....". She explained to Ernest.
"but he didn't want to tell what's wrong", she whispered to herself

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