Billy Boy

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  "Good morning", the boy greeted and stood still at the door. Father Thomas gestured towards the boy, "good morning, you must be Charles". He said
       "  Yes, father", he replied
Thomas turned his attention to Josephine and max, "here is Charles, he's the social prefect and your tour guy max.
         " oh thank you so much father ", Josephine grinned, she huged max and left for home.
       " can we get started ", Charles called.
Max and Charles soon left the principals office to start off the tour.

                 Later in the day, as they continued their tour.
      "for how long have you been in this school?", max asked breaking the silence.
      "well this is my final term in this school and it has........ A  very pretty girl waved at Charles, she was a junior like max." oh! There is fidelix, my sister, one of the top students in your set, The present jss2, you can see her to put you through ", he told max, then
       "come over fidelix", he called out to her.
         "who bears a girl fidelix"
Fidelix soon caught up with them, max introduced himself and they continued the tour with her.
                   As they toured,
            "well I hope you brought your rosary?", Charles asked max. Max became confused at the question and started stammering,
        "emm..... Yeah!.what......why",inhales deeply the exhales "what is a rosary? and why do I need it?". Fidelix gasped,
     "well, first of all, a rosary is like a necklace made out of beeds and a crucifix......"
         "what is a crucifix?".
Fidelix sighed and pat him on the shoulder, "I can see you have a lot to learn about our faith, anyway the reason for asking if you had a rosary was that"........."there is something in the school and only I and my brother know about because we're spiritual", she whispered. Max paused for a moment to assimilate, grinning faintly he chuckled and started laughing, "there is no such thing as ghost dude" ,
                "who are you calling dude",
     "sorry, I can't just believe that",
Charles looked at max pained by what he had said. "well, that's what everyone has been saying and you seem right in time to see us prove to everyone that it exists, just be awake by 12:05 am and you will witness it", he said.
   They soon departed, Charles took max to the hostel to set up while fidelix returned to class.
              At the end of school hours, it was time for supper, the refectory was filled with hungry students, "NEEEXXT!!", the culinaria's called out. It soon got to max, the culinaria's splashed his beans into his plate, "next!", he was disgusted by the look
        "is this beans or poop", he retched
"how do you expect me to eat this?", he protested.
       "would you get out of here or did you think you are at home".
Max left furiously to one of the tables, as he sat down to eat, some boys walked over to a boy on his sit.
             "hey! What you doing bro?", one of the boys, who seemed to be the gang head, said.
        "emmmh my  Name  is  Greg and I am....."
         "who cares about your name", the gang head slammed the plate of beans on Greg's face, "how is that? Maybe you will tell us now, that your name is BEAN POOP", he teased and they all started laughing.
Seeing this pissed max and banging the table. "hey you!", throwing his plate of beans at the gang head's face, "at least it was better than eating it", he whispered to himself.
       "owwww! My eyes! How dare you?"
He washed his eyes immediately with water from a bottle that stood on the table then he picked max up and tossed him to the other end of the refectory, crashing him on the tables.
         "you..... Are..... Foolish! Mmmmh" he moaned
He sets out to pounce on max and was stopped by Charles with a resounding slap.
        "get out now Billy !! Before I make this hostel a living hell for you", Charles ordered.
The slap shook the entire refectory, nursing his cheek, "well sure! All I know is you are still going to prove yourself to the whole school on your stupid misery.    Coward", he mouthed and gave him the middle finger and bounced away with his gang.
         "Don't mind Billy, that's what he does all the time even the girls hate him", Charles consoled as he helped max up
        "that was way to hash", he coughed. Staggering "I will get him for that"  nursing his ribs, he gasped, "please take me to the clinic", he cried.

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