Wrath & Plagues

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               Thomas was in office busy with the paper works, when distorted noise of people shouting drew his attention. He ran out immediately to verify what was going on, when he got there he saw all the students outside and the house masters working on the pipes, he came closer to them to see what was the cause.
             "father, the pipes burst open all of a sudden and water has filled the under ground hostel", one of the house masters informed Thomas.
      "where's Mr Gabriel?",
  "at his work shop father",
Thomas looked at the man with disappointment written all over his face, "Mr David!! Call him and send him there right now", he exclaimed.
           "yes father",
Soon Gabriel and was directed to the leakage. "shit! This is too much, how did this happen?",he exclaimed as he stepped into the pool of water, the pool was his waist deep. He walked through the water till he got to the source of the leakage and started working.
          As he worked, David saw something moving in the water in the dark.
        "what's that behind Gabriel?", he called Thomas attention.
          "what's what?"
He strained more and also noticed the movement "oh my God!, Gabriel behind you". Gabriel turned around to see nothing, then went back to work. Meanwhile, David entered the pool to check for himself. As he walked through, something pulled Gabriel into the water and blood started diffusing in the water, he made to escape on seeing this and was stopped by the reflection of a dead student drowned under the water. He tried reaching out to the boy when the boys eyes opened and grabbing his faced he drowned David.
          After witnessing all that had happened Thomas sent all the students to another hostel and ran to his office, locked himself and started praying. As he prayed, the light in the office started blinking and the boy appeared behind Thomas pierced his finger through his neck.

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