Charlie Charlie

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              Later that night, the hostel courtyard was filled with students from different hotels, boys and girls, as they waited till 12:05 am for Charles and fidelix to prove themselves, by now all the house masters were fast asleep so dey kept it on a low key.
             "well! The time says 12:05 can we get this done with some of us are tired", Billy protested gingering the others to protest. Max also joined the protest until Charles came out with a blank piece of paper to the courtyard. He settled down and demarcated the paper,dividing it into quarters, in scribing "Yes & NO" in interchange on each quarter of the paper. He then set a cork at the center of  the demarcation and balanced a pencil on it, while others watched.
          "mother of sages, we know that one of your offspring lives this hostel and we know that devil himself will want his offspring to manifest themselves.......... CHARLIE! CHARLIE! ARE YOU THERE? IS THERE ANY DEMON IN PLACE OF YOU HERE?", Charles read out from a book.
    Everyone became silent as they waited patiently for something to happen.
             Haven waited for different trials, Max stood up and stopped Charles and fidelix,". I was right, there are no such thing as ghost, now leave my hostel premises",the entire students started laughing as they resided quietly to their various hostels including fidelix in disappointment.
         "they got burned by the new kid",someone in the crowd teased.
       "well fidelix, you guys had better pack up this nonsense before you go", Max ordered.
         By 12:45 am that morning, Max started hearing spinning noise, he woke up all dizzy, the others in his room didn't seem to have heard it.
             "what is that? Charles! Fidelix! I thought I said you should pack this stuff stop this prank.. Because I am not falling for it", he shouted and went back to sleep.
    It was awkward because nobody heard him, they were all fast asleep like they were all dead. Suddenly, the spinning noise became louder, max woke up to see the thing on his bed, he became scared, he started shaking as sweat ran down his forehead.
     "what? How did you get here?", he scoffed then chuckled. "funny Charles, you got me I am scared, you can come out now", he said and ran to Charles bed to find him deep in sleep, he became very scared and ran back to his bed.
      Meanwhile, something crept out behind his bunk and was about to touch him, when he turned over to lay down on his bed. He soon became calm and peeping through his cover sheet, he saw a child's hand climbing up his bed, he withdrew backwards and covered himself screaming. He soon opened his eyes to see a rag doll in front of him.
            "hi! Go to bed", the doll rang out the it's eyes started bleeding and it grinned widely exposing its dentition which comprised of canine.
                  "hi! Welcome to your doom",it shrieked. The lights in the room came on and off repeatedly, the bunks started vibrating but no one woke up which made him more scared, he soon saw a boy crawling out of the dark, he was clothed in blood, his eyes were plane and blood escaped from his ears, eyes and mouth. The room turned upside down, max and the bunks were on the ceiling of the room, then came back to normal when the boy disappeared. Max was terrified by what he had seen, he ran quickly to fidelix room to see if the same was happening there.
                  "help!" , he cried.
He soon got to her room through the window, he ran to her bunk and woke her up. Fidelix woke from sleep all weak and was shocked to see max.
           "what are you doing here? It's illegal, if the others wake up you can get expelled", she whispered.
         "I know I know!! But I saw it", he replied.
She became puzzled by what he had said "what? Oh my gosh! seriously? Let's go let's go!!".
They sneaked back to the boys hostel. In his room......
         "it's standing there", max said pointing towards the wall where the boy had stood earlier.
Something started in scribing on the wall in blood, reading "WELCOME TO THE HOSTEL NEW BOY".
      "it's really here",
They held on to each other in fright, immediately the bunks in the hostel started vibrating still no one woke up. The vibration soon stopped, things became normal except the two of them.

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