The Charismatic

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               It was soon morning, the sun rose gracefully in the orange sky, the honey birds tweet in the forest behind the school.
       Max woke up in the box room to find fidelix fast asleep on his shoulder, it had been a long night he thought to himself as he observed her beautiful body wrap firm on him, he  rubbed his thumb tenderly on her cheek, his heart jumped a little bit as he kept on with an assuring smile that he was already falling for her. The wake up bell soon rang, fidelix jumped up immediately
        "oh my God! I might get caught",
      "yeah! I am sorry I didn't want to wake you up, you were stress sleeping", he said putting on his palm.
         "OK! But you know we have to tell Charles about yesterday night", she told him and made to leave.
         "fidelix! Thanks for coming", he grinned at her, "sure", she smiled back at him.
      Later, max and fidelix went to the senior block to see Charles, when they got to the hallway they found Charles guiding students into their classroom,
            "hey guys! How was your night?", Charles greeted.
       "it wasn't good at all", fidelix replied in a terrified tone.
Pulling Charles aside "we really have to see fr, Thomas Chinonye concerning that spirit, I and fidelix saw it last night",max said.
"well! During leisure today we will pay him a visit at his office", Charles assured them and returned to work while they headed for their class.
         During leisure, Charles took them to reverend's office. When they got there Charles dragged them passed the reception bagging into the office in the midst of his visitors.
           "what is the meaning of this? Charles", Thomas yelled one could tell he was very devastated, he wore a disappointment face as glared furiously at Charles,immediately the receptionist ran in to defend herself "I warned them not to enter", she plead.
       "we want to inform you of a particular spirit hiding in the hostel...... Most students don't believe in......"
           "shut up", Thomas shut Charles.
Immediately, one of his visitors, a beautiful light skinned young lady, dressed like a nun interrupted their argument.
     "sorry, I am Theresa olatunji, here his my husband Ernest olatunji", pointing to the other person, who grinned and waved at them. "we are charismatic...... Back to the case, you said there was a ghost my husband I would have felt it", she added.
        "but max and I saw an inscription with blood on the wall of the boys hostel early in the morning......around 12 something", fidelix tried convincing them. Theresa gasped in surprise to what fidelix had said
      "oh really",
Her and Thomas started laughing,
      "if they were to be a ghost", he quoted with his fingers, "in this school, it would have attacked and not hide...... So go back to class and forget about it, we will discuss your punishment later".
As they discussed among themselves, Ernest started having goose bumps, he felt this dark hovering around him, he wore a supportive first to what Charles was saying.
             "do you believe us", Max said making a direct eye contact with him.
      "me!     Well a little    I have been feeling this strange dark presence around me",looking at his wife and Thomas, "why don't we check the hostel and find out if what they are saying is true", this made everyone silent, Charles glowed with joy while Theresa gently rubs his hands with a concern face. Then Thomas exhaled sharply and
          "well if you say so.      Let's get moving", standing up to lead them to the hostel.
           When   They  got to the boys hostel, Max and fidelix ran to the wall where they had seen the inscription and to their behold it had gone.
       "wait! That's impossible, it was right here", max exclaimed.
That made things complicated, now they would not just be taken as fools but punished for playing pranks on the administrator, they were so doomed "what would we say?" fidelix whispered to Max.
        "where had it gone then", Thomas questioned with rage in his eyes.
Charles nodded his head in shame , "I thought you guys said you saw it", he whispered and started scratching his hair. He knew they were dead and started sweating, Charles was known for sweating seriously when nervous
       "yeah I am sure, I personally saw it myself", fidelix replied.
Thomas soon lost himself, "so you guys ain't sure of what you are saying? and if I may ask what fidelix was doing in the boys hostel at night",
           "no father I I I can cancel explain".
            "well I guess we'll be seeing more of   you guys in the kitchen keeping the plates clean...... You are lucky I am not expelling all of you", Thomas added, he was very frustrated, his look at that moment could cause goosebumps. Ernest tried calming him down
        "well they're just kids they might have seen something". Immediately, Thomas caught something hidden under a bunk with his eyes. He went to check it out and as he came closer he heard squeaky noise which faded away on getting to the bunk. He bent down to pick up a paper on the floor.
"so, this is what they have been playing with in the boys hostel and then say there's a ghost.... Eh!... Tell me Charlie Charlie!! Game!..... Like Theresa said.       " if they were to be a ghost in the hostel, we would have felt it". Besides, what kind of a ghost comes and doesn't attack but stay hidden like a coward ", he said and left the hostel same with the others.
        Meanwhile, the boy stood at one corner of the hostel watching everything and was pissed. When they all left, the wall started bleeding and inscribed TONIGHT.


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