Chapter Three

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Lily gently shook her best friend awake. She grabbed Alexis' wrist before she could slap her.

"Come on Lexi!" Lily called at her friend, "You've got to get up or you'll miss the train!," After that was said Alexis bolted out of bed to get dressed and ready for school. She wore a mint green shirt and a pair of tight jeans. She poked her belly and sighed.

"I hope this Puppy Fat goes away." She muttered to herself, sighing. She walked into the dining room where Mrs. Evans had kindly laid out breakfast for all of the people in the house. Alexis' rested on the plate of bacon, eggs, waffles and orange juice that was on the table and smiled.

"Thank you," Alexis politely said as she sat down and tucked into the yummy food.

        Ten minutes later Alexis, Lily and Petunia were sat in the back of Mister and Mrs Evan's car. They were making their way to King's Cross Station. During the trip they stopped at a few places for Alexis, and the Evans', to get more food. 

"I'm sorry," Alexis apologised after they each had ordered some ice cream for the whole car.

"It's fine dear," Mrs. Evans replied kindly as her husband set off driving again.

"We won't stop again," Alexis guaranteed, with a mouth full of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.

        The car pulled upto the outside of the station about half an hour later, making the time 10:30 am, as they had set out at 9:45 am. They got out of the car and Alexis went to the boot straight away. She opened it and struggled to pick up her trunk. She watched as Lily came to help, Lily's father had gone off to get two trolley's for Lily's and Alexis' trunks and pets. A few minutes later Alexis' trunk was sat on a trolley, as well as Lily's. Lily gave her Parents a hug before walking to the barrier. Alexis followed her ginger-haired friend as she didn't know what to do.

"Right, go through this wall." Lily told her friend and laughed when Alexis gave a look of shock.

"Fine then, just watch me." Lily giggled. Alexis watched in amazement as Lily ran upto the wall and ran right into it but not crashing into it, like people would expect. Alexis stood there dazed for a moment before realising what she had to do. She took Lily's example, except shutting her eyes aswell, and ran towards the orange-ish brick wall. When she opened her eyes she looked around in amazement, the area was beautiful, in her eyes atleast. Which much effort she took her trunk, and her kitten's cage, off of her trolley and went to board the golden, red and black train which was stationed perfectly in the middle of the station. Her eyes lit up as she entered the train's corridors and began looking for a compartment. After a few minutes of searching Alexis was sat inside her compartment playing with her soft black kitten.

        After a while two ginger headed twins entered her compartment. Alexis raised an eyebrow but thought nothing of it. It wasn't until one of the twins had turned around that she had went unnoticed.

"Hey Gid," She heard one say, not sure which one as she wasn't looking at either of them.

"Yeah Fabien?" Replied the other.

"There's a girl in here." Said the one Alexis, now, knew was named Fabien.

"Well no." Alexis said sarcastically, speaking up for the first time since they had entered the compartment.

"Oh. Well, erm sorry," Said 'Gid' or Fabien. She couldn't tell which as they were virtually identical.

"I'm Fabien Prewett," Said one, whom was obviously Fabien.

"And I'm Gideon Prewett," Introduced the other. Alexis nodded.

"I'm Alexis Snape," She said, sticking out a hand for them to shake. "Though I prefer Lexi, you can sit down if you want." She informed them.

"We're kind of hiding," They said in unison as they sat down. "We just pulled a nasty prank on Lucius Malfoy."

"Awesome," Alexis chuckled as she watched her black kitten stroll around proudly on the bench. Alexis looked out of the window to see a tall castle-like building.

"Whoa." She said, her eyes lighting up as it came more and more into view.

"I'm guessing you're a first year." The twins, once again, said in unison. Alexis nodded, a small blush forming on her cheeks.

"Well then, Welcome to Hogwarts."

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