Chapter Six

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"Right. Well...." James said, scratching the back of his neck because this moment was awkward.

"I'm going to go." Alexis said. She walked out of the door and then to the great hall. Hearing footsteps, she turned around only to notice James had been following her.

"Why did you follow me?" Alexis asked, a tone of annoyance in her voice.

"Because, I know you're friends with Lily." James replied rather casually.

"How do you know that?" Alexis asked, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Because you're friends with Snape. And Lily is his best friend, so surely you'd be friends with Snivellous too." James reasoned.

"Right. And you want me because?" Alexis sighed, rolling her eyes in irritation.

"I want you to help me get close to Lily!"

"I'm not helping you there." Alexis said, rolling her eyes.

        Alexis tried to remember what her brother had said about the kitchen. 'Right..... So find the fruit painting.' She thought to herself, walking around the halls. She saw a painting of a fruit bowl.

"Right so now I..." Alexis trailed off to herself. '"Tickle the pear or something..." She tried tickling the pear and smiled as it turned into a door handle. She walked into the kitchen and sighed at the warmness into the room, obviously because of the many ovens placed in the room. She smiled as a house elf walked upto her.

"Excuse me?" Alexis asked her quietly. "Can I please have a small amount of food?"

"Yeah, Here you go miss," The house-elf, smiled, handing her a small plate of food. Alexis sat down and ate, slightly annoyed that she had ditched Sirius in the middle of whilst they were hanging out. She heard the door open and turned to look at it, smiling lightly as she saw Sirius standing there with a half-smile on his face.

"Hey." He said quietly.

"Hey." Alexis said, looking down guiltily. "Sirius, I'm really sorry for earlier."

"It's fine, I promise." Sirius smiled, walking over to sit by Alexis. "You obviously had your reasons."

Aleis nodded happily. "Thanks for understanding."

"Well we're friends." Sirius nodded, smirking lightly. Alex smiled lightly and carried on eating, not having to worry about Sirius feeling she didn't like him.

"I shouldn't be here.." Alexis smirked lightly.

"Why not?" Sirius asked skeptically.

"My brother 'forbid' me to." Alexis giggled, like she was going to listen to him. She may have been in Slytherin like her brother, but there would be no way she'd turn out like him.

"What right does your brother have to forbid you from seeing me?" Sirius asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"I honestly don't know." Alexis sighed, smiling lightly at Sirius. Sirius looked at Alexis and smiled back, he had never realised how pretty Alexis had been before. He smiled lightly and leaned in, in a sort of trance due to Alexis' beauty.

        Alexis saw Sirius lean in lightly and smiled, she had never noticed how.... Cute Sirius was. Alexis leaned in further, closing the gap. Sirius smiled as Alexis and him kissed. Alexis realised what she was doing and pulled away quickly.

"I am so sorry!" She called, running out and upto her dorm. What had she been thinking? She was only 11! She should be concentrating on schoolwork, let alone boys and relationships. Alexis sighed as she sat crossed legged on the bed. She saw Narcissa walk into the dorm and smiled lightly, not even aware of the tears that had been rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh Darling, what's wrong?" Narcissa asked as she walked in, embracing Alexis immediately.

"N-nothing," Alexis stuttered.

"You're crying." Narcissa said, rolling her eyes.

"I am?" Alexis asked, letting Narcissa hold out a mirror for her. "I am," She acknowledged patiently. "It's a long story."

"I have time," Narcissa smiled.

"Urgh. Fine." Alexis said. "Well, yesterday I bumped into this guy from Gryffindor, Sirius Black, and then he asked if we could hang out today, which we did. But I had to rush off to owl my mother and so I lost him, and then I went into the kitchen to get some food, and Sirius found me in there. Long story short, we talked for a little and then we kissed."

"Sirius Black?" Narcissa said, giving Alexis a disapproving glare. "It's your second day here. Sirius Black is only in his Second year and he's already considered a man-whore." Alexis nodded gravely.

"I'm sorry 'Cissy." Alexis sighed, hugging Narcissa. "I didn't know what happened." Alexis sighed.

"It's his good looks and charm." Narcissa told her. "Nobody can resist them."

        A few hours later Alexis sat in the great hall at the Slytherin table, making sure to make no eye contact with anyone at the Gryffindor table. Alexis ate her food and then walked upstairs, somehow tired out by the day. Alexis showered before changing into her pyjamas and falling asleep in her nice, comfortable bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2013 ⏰

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