Chapter Four

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Alexis looked at the twins, both of whom had placed a hand on her shoulders.

"It's so pretty," She sighed. "I can;t wait."

"We were like that too. Eager little first years that thought everything was amazing. Then our pranks begun." Gideon, Or Fabian, Alexis didn't know which was which, said, a gleaming smile on his face.

"Pranks?" Alexis said, turning around to the twins, a look of eagerness in her eyes. "Oh please let me help!" She pleaded.

"I don't know, we haven't really let a newbie in our ranks before," Gideon said, or atleast Alexis hoped it was Gideon. "Maybe we could give her a trial week."

"We'll be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes, Please leave your luggage on the train, it'll be taken to the school separately." Alexis heard through the Train's loudspeaker.

"Eek! We're almost there." Alexis squealed excitedly. Fabian and Gideon laughed.

"Yes we are," They said in unison.

"Oh god, that's creepy." Alexis admitted.

"What is?" Fabian and Gideon asked together with a smirk on their face.

"That!" Alexis exclaimed. She stood up.

"I'm shooing you two out for a few minutes." She told then, shoving them both out of the compartment. Alexis closed the door and shut the blind on the door after that she changed into the first year's uniform. As she slid on her robe she opened the door, letting Fabian and Gideon come in again.

"Okay. I say we give her a trial week, depending on her house." Fabian said to his brother. "If she get's put into Slytherin we can't." Fabian finished.

"Why not?" Gideon asked.

"Well, think about what the Marauders would do to us and our reputation." Fabian replied, whispering to his twin. "I't's bad enough we spent the train ride with Snivellus' sister."

        Alexis felt the train slow to a stop and made her way off of the train.

"Firs'-Years! Firs'-Years over here!" Alexis heard a deep voice call. She walked over to the giant whom called the first years, took one look at a boat and gulped.

"We get there by boat?" She asked worriedly.

"Yes, What's wring wi' that?" The giant asked her.

"It's nothing." Alexis sighed, getting into a boat with two other first years.

"I'm Alexis," Alexis introduced herself, smiling at them both.

"I'm Janielle, but please call me Janzy." The first one said, also smiling. Janzy had bright blonde hair along with stunning blue eyes, she had pale, yet tanned, skin and had freckles along her cheeks. Janzy and Alexis turned to the third person.

"I'm Lisa," She smiled. "You both have nice names," Lisa complimented. Lisa had brown hair, greeny grey eyes and less pale skin than Janzy.

"Thanks, so do you," Alexis and Janzy replied in unison. Janzy and Alexis looked at eachother and giggled. All three of the students looked up at a gleaming castle and smiled.

"Oh wow, it's beautiful." Lisa said in shock, the other two nodded in agreement.

        A few, maybe 5, minutes later Hanzy, alexis and Lisa were lined up next to eachother in the Great Hall, waiting to be sorted.

"Malfoy, Janielle!" McGonagall called. Janzy looked at Lisa and Alexis and smiled, she made her way to the stool and sat down on it.

"Hmm... SLYTHERIN!" The hat called, almost as soon as it had been put upon her head. Alexis and Lisa watched Janzy walk to the Slytherin table and sit down next to a bright blonde-haired boy, whom Alexis guessed was her brother.

"McMillan, Eric!" Whom was sorted into Hufflepuff.

"Meronia, Lisa." Called out McGonagall. Lisa looked at Alexis and waved slightly. She made her way to the stool and had the hat placed on her head.

"GRYFFINDOR"!" The hat yelled, she heard cheers from the Gryffindor table and watched Lisa make her way to the Gryffindor table.

"Moon, Alexis" McGonagall called. Alexis looked around. she saw no-one walk to the stool. She shrugged and made her way to the stool. Nervously, she sat down, jumping a little when the hat was placed on her head.

"Hmmm... I always wondered when I'd finally see you Alexis" The hat said quietly.

"What d'you mean?" Alexis questioned it suspiciously.

"Nothing," The hat sighed, "Nothing..... SLYTHERIN!" The hat called. Alexis smiled and made her way to the Slytherin table.

"Heya Severus" Alexis said, smiling as she sat down beside her brother.

"Hetya Lexi," Severus smiled, hugging Alexis with one arm. Alexis looked around for Janzy and once she found her she waved Janzy over to sit by her.

"I'm so happy!" Alexis said, smiling at both Severus and Janzy. They waited till the sorting finished and Dumbledore finished his speech before tucking into some food. Soon enough the students were sent to bed, Alexis sighed and stood up. She followed the Slytherin students to their common room reluctantly. Alexis sighed and looked around at all the paintings.

"Oh wow, they move." She smiled, looking at each of them. She carried on walking, accidentally bumping into a curly/shaggy-haired boy.

"I'm so sorry!" Alexis said worriedly.

"That's okay," The boy said, "I'm Sirius. Sirius Black."

"I'm Alexis. Though, you probably saw that," Alexis said, smiling. She felt an arm tug her away.

"Hey Snivellus. Leave Alexis alone." Sirius said. "Hey, Alexis. Would you like to meet up tomorrow?" He asked her.

"Sure," Alexis said, blushing lightly. She felt another tug on her arm and sighed, turning around. Severus sighed and gently dragged her to the Slytherin common room.

"Pureblood." Severus said to the portrait. He walked into the common room with Alexis.

"Stay away from Black and his mates." Severus said firmly. "I forbid you from even going near them."

"Who're you to forbid me from seeing Sirius!" Alexis yelled.

"I'm your brother!" Severus firmly said.

"Hmmph." Alexis said, walking upto her dorm. She lay on her bed and sighed. Alexis soon fell asleep having a peaceful sleep.

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