zes (six)

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Caitlin wakes up to a too bright shining sun beaming in her eyes. It feels like just five minutes ago she laid down to sleep, which might not be inaccurate considering Max left her apartment when the sun was starting to peak its annoying, blinding face. "I'm going to kill that speedster if Barry doesn't." She mumbled to herself as last night's, or technically this morning's, events replayed in her head.

The temptation to sleep in and forget everything that happened was strong, but the need to watch Barry freak out was even stronger. Caitlin got up and went through the motions of her morning routine. Took a shower, ate a bowl of oatmeal, brushed her teeth, and reluctantly changed out of her pajamas and into a loose white blouse with black slacks. 

"Let's get this shit show on the road." She muttered, picking up her keys and a jacket. 


Max woke up to a too loud screaching sound of construction screaming into her ears. It felt like she'd been sleeping for days, which wasn't uncommon for her these days, even though just a few hours ago she had laid down. "Oh god. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I have nothing to wear to meet Barry fucking Allen." She whispered to herself as she remembered the events to come. 

The temptation to sleep in and give her body time to rest was strong, but the need to see Nora again was even stronger. Max got up and went through the motions of her morning routine. Ate a bowl of CocoPuffs, checked her vitals, brushed her teeth, and nervously changed out of her tanktop and shorts into some cacki pants, a black turtleneck sweater with a white button up layered on top. 

"God, whichever one's listening, please don't let this be a shit show." She muttered, grabbing her motel keycard and a brown flannel coat.

" She muttered, grabbing her motel keycard and a brown flannel coat

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Caitlin takes a brisk walk over to Star Labs, hoping that the peaceful stroll might help clear her mind. She takes a deep breath as she begins walking. She passes by her doorman and wonders how he let Max up, tells herself to ask him when she comes back.

As she stands waiting at a traffic light, she feels something brush up against her leg. It's a tuxedo cat, she recognizes him to be Plup, her downstairs neighbor's cat. Caitlin waves over her doorman, "Mrs. Dukeman's cat got out again. Please make sure he gets back safely." He responds with a quick nod and picks up the cat, holding it as far as he can from his body. 

The light turns red and Caitlin crosses the busy street.

Thoughts of Max bounced around her head, feelings of irritation bubbling up within her. This stupid self-righteous know-it-all just complicated Caitlin's already over-complicated life. "Stupid Max and her dumb face." She grumbled under her breath while opening the door to Jitters. "I swear I better see a mad Barry when I walk in today or I'm walking right out."

Then she heard it. She heard the voice and prayed that it was some hallucination. 

"Oh really? I usually just take the sweetest thing on the menu, but if you insist. A sweet drink from a sweet girl, sounds amazing. I'll have one." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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