too long (jinkook)

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a/n: don't let the identical titles fool you between this chapter and the previous. they are not related.

eight days was too long for jungkook. eight days felt like a million years, and he had grown impatient.

he wasn't one to dress up for his hyung, especially because seokjin was just going rip his clothes off anyway, but he wanted the attention.

god, he wanted it so bad.

heat pooled in his stomach just by the thought of it. he slipped his head through the light pastel hoodie, looking at himself in awe through the mirror. he didn't have much on, just the hooded sweater, and possibly a white satin pair of panties that he secretly bought.

he felt so small, despite knowing that he was rather tall and muscular. but he liked looking delicate and like priceless porcelain. and so did seokjin.

he slipped his bare feet into cute black bunny slippers, humming softly as he waddles down the hallway of his and seokjin's apartment.

it was nearing eleven o'clock, which meant that seokjin would be returning from work in only a few minutes. his body thrums with excitement and he clenches his fists to hold back from beginning without his boyfriend. he knew that his boyfriend would be disappointed in him, and he would most probably be given a punishment.

and as much as he loved those, and loved how absolutely rough his usually maternal hyung could be, he didn't want punishments. he wanted attention and soft vanilla. he wanted to savor the feeling of seokjin's plump lips on his, his mouth tasting like toothpaste and sometimes the cakes he baked when he was bored. the gentle, almost hesitant fingertips feathering over his muscular thighs and hanging onto his broad shoulders like they were a lifeline.

he plops onto the soft loveseat they had in their living room area, stretching his long legs out and shivering when the air conditioner blew through the room, his sweater hiking upward and slightly exposing his panties.

he stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours, but in actuality was only two minutes.

the faint jingling of keys caught jungkook's attention and he springs up, sitting upright and looking over the back of the furniture piece to stare at the door, which faintly clicks before opening. seokjin was there, in all his beautiful glory, his white dress shirt wrinkled, his black tie loosened around his neck with his jet black hair disheveled. he looked like a mess.

jungkook's fingers squeeze the loveseat's material tightly, and he bites his bottom lip. "koo? where are you, honey?" jungkook giggles and hops toward his noticeably exhausted boyfriend. "i'm right here, hyung," seokjin glances down, softly smiling with a small chuckle. "hi darling, did you have fun without me?" jungkook hums when his hyung wraps his arms around him, nosing at his neck and pressing kisses there. "not really, hyung. nothing's ever fun when you're gone," jungkook snuggles his back into seokjin's chest, who hums an apology. "i'm sorry, sweetheart. hyung's been extra busy lately, hasn't he?" he croons, and jungkook sighs quietly, a small bunny-like grin spreading over his adorable features.

"mhm, been so lonely here," jungkook replies, his knees feeling like they're morphing into water and he leans more against his boyfriend, who more than willingly allows him to rely on him to keep his body upright.

"cuddles and sleep?" seokjin doesn't see, but jungkook's eyebrows scrunch at his suggestion. jungkook smiles nonetheless, and nods. seokjin kisses his nape once more before grabbing his hand, leading the slightly frustrated jungkook down the hallway to their bedroom.

cuddles and sleep sounded nice, sure, but jungkook wanted more. wanted his hyung's touch.

here he is though, huddled in the blankets on the soft mattress watching seokjin get undressed and slip into more comfortable clothes. his eyes stay on seokjin's crotch longer than i expected, and seokjin ruffles his hair when he notices. "my face is up here, precious," jungkook pouts, nodding and looking up at his hyung.

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