studio nights (yoonkook)

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"hyung?" jungkook quietly knocks, impatiently waiting outside yoongi's studio, bouncing almost childishly on his feet. he receives no response, and he huffs, knocking again before twisting the doorknob in his right hand, opening the door and popping his head into the room, doe eyes blinking and sparkling at the sight of yoongi, headphones covering his ears as he typed away at his computer.

the door faintly clicks behind him after he closes it, bare feet padding on the floor as he walks closer to his boyfriend.

his heart thumped in his ears, and his fingers twitched at the thought of touching yoongi, being held by him and more importantly gaining all of his attention. he gently taps the rapper's shoulder, making the said male flinch a little, gaining his composure when he sees his boyfriend. he slips the headphones from his ears, music still playing, volume so loud that jungkook can hear it from above him.

"what is it, kook? i have to work on this so please make it quick," he says, before turning back to his computer, clicking away at the screen but still not yet putting his headphones on. jungkook frowns at what his hyung said. he didn't want yoongi to work anymore. he hadn't been at the dorms all day today and jungkook missed him, hence why he was here right now.

"hyung," jungkook softly mutters, yoongi humming, quietly urging him to continue. "do you have to?" jungkook asks, and without looking at him, yoongi knows that he's pouting, big doe eyes blinking at him so innocently, cheeks rosy and lips pinkened.

"yes, baby, i do. i've been slacking lately, kook. this needs to get done on time, you know that" he explains, and jungkook wants to scream with frustration. he wanted yoongi's love so desperately, and now that he was with yoongi, so close to him, nearly in his arms, he couldn't help but feel whiny.

"but hyung," jungkook whines, fists clenching and unclenching. "no buts. what is it that you needed, kook?" but he could already tell, from the way he whined and came to his studio knowing that he had to work. jungkook wanted his touch and attention, so badly that he was just about ready to take it.

"i just — hyung please," he stammers, begging with his face reddening. "tell me what you want or get out, kook. i need to get this done," jungkook bites the inside of his cheek at yoongi's dismissive behaviour to him. "i —" he takes a deep breath in, regulating his breath and releasing it slowly. "i prepped myself, hyung. you've been gone the entire day and i missed you so much," jungkook finally touches his shoulder, twirling his boyfriend to face him while he sits in his chair, his expression teasing and willful.


"did you now?" he asks, voice low with curiosity. jungkook nods vigorously, swallowing thickly as yoongi's eyes rake down his body.

he wasn't wearing anything extravagant like something taehyung or seokjin would fall asleep in, just black basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. it didn't seem to bother yoongi, who's travelling eyes finally meet with his. "too bad i have to work then, huh?" jungkook's face falls, yoongi's lip turning upward into a smirk, sighing softly. "such a shame, kook. bet you got yourself so nice and prepped, and just to find out it was for nothing,"

yoongi smacks his tongue, shrugging and twisting his chair back to where it originally was. he taps the mouse, clicking and began typing. he still had his headphones around his neck.

jungkook furrows his brows, briefly glaring at the back of yoongi's black hair. "hyung, please, i'll do anything," yoongi slightly turns his head to him, body still facing the computer, with only half of his face showing. "you're going to have to do more than anything, kook. you'll have to do everything. i need to work, and i don't have time to give my attention to you,"

jungkook nods with determination, grabbing the hem of his white shirt and lifting it over his head, chucking it somewhere he doesn't care about right now, slipping his shorts off from his hips and he kicks them off, doing the same with his boxer briefs.

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