made to be yours (yoonkook)

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trigger warning: blade usage, blood, sadism, gore, body modification, manipulation, abusive relationship, vomiting, implied/mentioned death


jungkook knew he only had one purpose. to hurt whomever he was named after. yoongi seemed to hate this other jungkook.

jungkook sat patiently, waiting for the witch to finish collecting various items for their next session. as a voodoo doll, jungkook had to endure numerous things. over time though, he'd grown to get used to it. "kook." yoongi called, and jungkook perked up. "show me your arm." jungkook immediately thrusted out his arm to the witch.

he realized soon after meeting yoongi that he liked obedience. jungkook quite liked it too, liked that despite being a doll, he was praised as something human.

jungkook looked almost human. he was the same size as one, and was very detailed too. yoongi took the time to make him look as accurate as he could. he had soft locks that framed his face, and big eyes too. the only way to decipher him from humans was his pupils, the feel of his skin, and his insides.

his pupils were shaped like buttons. they weren't buttons per se, but they appeared to be. yoongi said that he did it on purpose so he wouldn't be too gruesome during their sessions. jungkook supposed it was because he looked so much like the real jungkook. yoongi seemed to have a fascination with eyes too, so maybe a noticeable trait of jungkook was his eyes. it could be hard to decipher the two when they look so similar.

his skin wasn't real flesh—thankfully—and instead a smooth but soft material that jungkook couldn't remember the name of. yoongi liked it though. maybe because it was easy to puncture.

yoongi examined jungkook's arm, which was sliced clean open, revealing stuffing and other things, like herbs and crystals that kept jungkook alive and made him feel real. yoongi cupped the cut with his palms and sighed softly, before whispering something under his breath that jungkook didn't understand. when yoongi lifted his hands though, the cut wasn't there anymore and it was as if it never happened. jungkook always thought it was fascinating.

yoongi really was a powerful witch.

"what's rule number one?" yoongi asked. jungkook prepared himself. the session was starting. "no resisting."

"rule two?"

"only call you hyung."

"or any variant. rule three?"


yoongi nodded and gently smiled. he reached his calloused, left hand to jungkook's face and cupped it. "that's my good doll." jungkook leaned into the touch with a bashful blush. yoongi's expression morphed though, just as it always did. his nails dug into jungkook's cheek, but he still leaned into it. he could feel his skin already tearing.

"too bad you weren't always this good, huh?" jungkook knew he was a copy. a clone. he was made to endure and cause pain. knew by this point that yoongi was really talking to him, but to the other jungkook. but he wanted to be good for yoongi.

"what a shame."

it truly was. it's because of the other jungkook that this doll had to go through this.

jungkook allowed himself to be pushed down at yoongi's will. yoongi quickly restrained him with his magic, all limbs restricted to each corner of the bed. "you could've been such a good boy for me. could have stayed with me forever and we could have had a pact and be happy for all eternity." yoongi hummed, trailing his fingertips over jungkook's bare stomach.

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