secrecy (jinkook)

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a/n: pt 3 for "stupefied" !! enjoy

warning: boypussy, manipulation, heavy dom/sub tones, daddy kink, cheating, vomiting

jungkook had been on edge since that night. maybe it was an accident. seokjin had been included in more meetings and work hours regarding his career. it was normal.

plus, actions spoke louder than words. jungkook knew this, since seokjin himself told him—also because jungkook was pretty much silent and used action to express his emotions.

seokjin was tired, overworked, and didn't have the time or energy to deal with jungkook sometimes. jungkook understood. his hyung knew what was best for him and never failed him, and jungkook trusted him.

jungkook watched as seokjin paced around the living room with his phone pressed to his ear. he had woken up later than he was supposed to—due to the fact that he stayed later than he was supposed to at work the night before—and now was rushing to get ready. he had barely even looked at jungkook.

jungkook had felt bad since he didn't wake seokjin up. he knew that he should have, but his hyung needed the sleep. he provided for them both, and even provided for society. jungkook didn't know much since he rarely went out or spoke, but from what he overheard from a conversation between seokjin and yoongi, seokjin's job was important and beneficial.

maybe that's why seokjin wasn't paying any mind to him. he might be upset with him because he didn't wake him up on time and instead dressed up and made himself pretty. jungkook was still confused, because dolls were supposed to be pretty and dressed up at all times. jungkook dropped his gaze to his lap and picked at his nails.

he kept listening to seokjin apologize to whoever he was speaking to over the phone and the expensive click clacking of his shoes. eventually, all went silent, and jungkook realized that he was alone. nothing too out of the ordinary, he'd been alone multiple times before, but seokjin hadn't even said goodbye, let alone looked at him.

he was meant to be looked at. seokjin himself had said so. so why was he ignoring him? did he change his rules? did he decide that dolls weren't even meant for looking?

did he change his mind all together?

jungkook's eyes went wet moments later. his chest aches and he whispered out an apology to seokjin as he stood up from his spot. he wasn't meant to move, but he was meant to be looked at. it wasn't fair that seokjin got to break rules and he couldn't. so, he stood up and wobbled to the bedroom.

even looking inside the room was too overwhelming for him. nights spent inside and cuddling together in bed, days spent kissing each other in the mornings, and the night that seokjin failed to say that he loved jungkook that marked the first of many more flooded into his brain.

he collapsed onto the floor instead of the bed. he didn't want to be reminded of the cedar smell of jin, didn't want the reminder of his imprint in the bed, and didn't want the bed to soak up more of his tears.

jungkook had gotten used to being neglected by his boyfriend. it was hard at first. but it was also slow. at least compared to now seokjin would have looked at him. unlike currently.

now he goes out and stays out overnight too. jungkook hated to admit it, but whenever the sick smell of cedar came and joined him on the bed, he couldn't help but doubt himself and his insecure thoughts again. but then the cedar smell left the next morning, without warning, without kisses, without love.

jungkook clawed at his face and eyes and curled into himself. he rocked slowly, trying to soothe himself. he hadn't had to do that in years, since seokjin naturally took over with calming, soothing, and taking care of jungkook for as long as they've been together.

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