pets (sopekook)

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yoongi loved his life. he had a perfect one, after all. he had a perfect owner, who he loved very much, and their relationship was everything he could have ever asked for.

he was confident that he would never be replaced by anyone or anything in hoseok's eyes, as his owner so kindly promised.

he was a black cat hybrid, velveteen, triangular ears sprouted from his hair on each side of his head, and he had a short, stubby black tail that hoseok would always comment how cute it was.

as a very stubborn beta, yoongi would never admit to liking the praise and the compliments that hoseok would so kindly offer.

yoongi loved the life he was living. he didn't need anything else besides hoseok and he resting spot on the window sill that had all the warmth of the sun.

so when yoongi, who claimed he had a perfect life, walked into the house he and hoseok shared, he was surprised to have his face practically smacked in the face with a familiar sugary scent. his nose scrunches up and he grimaced.

to anyone else it would be a wonderful scent, one that made you want to smile and giggle and cuddle and all that stuff. to yoongi, it makes him want to cry and wish that he was anywhere else.

"yoongi? is that you?" the cat hears hoseok call out for him, and he sighs. "who else would it be?" he hears hoseok's contagious laugh, a small giggle bubbling in the back of his throat but he remembers the distinct smell making his eyes water and his stomach drop unpleasantly. he flicks his ears and covers his nose. "come in here, i have something to show you," yoongi obeys, following his owner's voice and swallowing thickly as the aroma grows stronger with each step he takes.

when he finally makes it to hoseok's room, his hand drops from his nose and his eyes grow wide. he knew that it would be here, but the sight of it just solidifies the ice freezing around his heart. "yoongi, this is jungkook. he'll be staying with us from now on,"

yoongi's knees wobbled and he stared at jungkook from the doorway.

he was a bunny, his soft, white droopy ears falling to his shoulders. they contrasted with his dark brown hair, which yoongi assumed he dyed if the slivers of white around jungkook's follicles and scalp area was anything to go by. yoongi has no problem with bunnies. bunnies were usually cute and fun to play with, and he has met a few bunnies whom he genuinely enjoyed hanging out around.

jungkook was an omega.

a whiny, thieving, all too aware of himself omega.

"jungkook, this is yoongi. yoongi has been staying here with me for almost four years." jungkook blinks at yoongi with his round, brown eyes, his mouth slightly agape revealing his front two prominent bunny teeth. "hoseok? can we talk?" yoongi's mouth tastes sour. he usually never called his owner "hoseok" it was either "seokie" or "hobi". hoseok noticed this as well and stood up quickly.

a whine stops him, and hoseok glances down at his thigh, which jungkook was clinging onto while shaking. "hyungie..." he whispers, and hoseok slumps his shoulders. yoongi watches with narrowed eyes as hoseok purses his lips, ruffling jungkook's hair like he only did with yoongi. yoongi feels himself clench his fists and his ears draw back. "yoongi, i'm sorry but can this wait? — yoongi?" when hoseok looks up, yoongi had already left to his window sill.

yoongi rests in his window spot in his cat form, trying his best not to cry.

this omega was already trying to steal his owner away from him.

'omegas are all the same,' yoongi thinks, and curls into a ball.

yoongi wakes up to something nuzzling into his chest, and he blinks slowly. he notices a small white ball of fluff looking up at him, it's pink nose twitching with curiosity. the tips of its ears faded into a light brown, the white fading into the tan colour and creating an ombré effect. its eyes were round and starry, and the fragrant scent of honey and warm milk invaded his nostrils.

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