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3rd person's pov :

"Is your dick black ?"

Forth chocks on his food badly . Lam passes Forth a glass of water . Forth drinks and looks up with teary eyes . "The fuck , Beam ?"

Beam rolls his eyes "what ? I want it for survey !"

"What ? What kind of survey ?"

Beam sits on Forth's bench at engineering foodcourt . "My annual project ! I need to submit it within fifth of next month ! My project is STD , it's cause and precausion ."

Lam raises his eyes "what does it have to do with Forth's di ... I mean .. with your question to Forth ?"

"Say it ! It needs no euphemism . It's just dick . We all have it . I just want to know if Forth's dick is black or not !"

Forth growls "and why is that ?"

"There is a disease .. you don't know ! If someone has too much sex or sex without any protection .. they get this disease . They dick becomes black and the skin of their dick starts to shrunken .. and ...."

"Wait ! ... " Forth cuts Beam's words . "First , I don't want to hear it . Second , you will know by looking at your own dick . You are the cassanova , man ! Not me ."

Beam rolls his eyes "I don't have that disease . That's why I am asking you ! Because .. after me .. you are the most active person in free sex . Tell me na , .. please , is your dick black ? "

Lam bites his lower lips to control his laughter . Where is Park ? He is missing a great drama .

Forth glares at Lam before looking at Beam amused "even if my dick is black , what does it have to do with you ?"

" Really ? Is it ?" Beam smiles happily "oh my god ! My project will be the most vivid and realistic project of entire university . I will get AAA grade ! Is it really black ?"

Park sits beside Lam while drinking his coffee "what is black ?"

"Forth's dick !" Beam replies . Park chocks . Lam brusts into laughter .

Forth growls annoyed "My dick is not black !"

Beam looks at Forth's pant with a frown .

Forth covers his pant "really Beam ! The fuck you want ?"

Beam frowns "let me see !"

This times Park joins Lam on the ground .

"Let him seee , Forth !!!" Lam laughes harder .

"What ?" Forth glares .

Beam points at Fotth crotch area " Your dick or what ! "

Forth looks at Beam's pointed finger then his eyes falls on every eyes which looking at them .

Forth holds Beam's finger to hide it and whispers "what are doing , have you gone mad ?"

"No Forth ! You are sick . You need treatment . And I am a would be doc . Don't be shy .. it's completely professional !"

Forth frowns "huh ?"

" Completely professional !" Beam repeats "but I will just click some pictures for my project ! Ok ? "

"Pictures of what ? My dick ? "

Beam nods happily "yes ! Your black dick !"

"But my dick is not black !" Forth shouts forgeting he is in the middle of engineering foodcourt . .

"It is ! Let me see it !" Beam whines in same tone of Forth's , forgeting he is also in the middle of engineering foodcourt .

Park and Lam joins the gang too ...

......... "Really Forth , let him see it !"


A/N :

( I am re-publishing it with great risk !

Whatever , I may change something this time .. I don't know, I need time to modify this story again . 🤔🤔

But again , if you can't wait . Don't read it on-going . )


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