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3rd person's pov :

"Wait ! Don't go there .. what are you doing ? It's wrong !!! Nooo ... wait .. look at me . If you fall into the river you will die . "

The pale boy looks back "I want to die ."

"Noo ... wait ... why ? Why you want to die ?"

"Nobody loves me . Nobody cares if I die or stay alive . My mother loves her work . My father loves his work . And ... I have no work ." The boy shouts .

"But you are a kid . Kid's don't work . Kid only plays . Come down .. I will play with you ."

The pale boy glares at him with teary eyes "no .. I don't . See ..." the boy shows his left hand . "My nanny burned my hand because , I wanted to play ."

"But I will not hurt you . Come here .. come to me . Show me where are you hurt .. I will heal you . I have medicine . Let me see ."

"Nooo .. I will die . I don't need to heal . Dead person doesn't feel pain ." The boy walks at the edge of the bridge .

"Wait ... do you know swimming ?"

The pale boy turns around again "yes ! I know .. why ?"

" Then you will not die . You have to try other way to die ."

"What way ?" The boy asks .

"I wouldn't tell you , if you don't come down and play with me .."

The boy frowns "and if I play ?"

" I will tell you . Are you comming down to play with me ? Come on .. hold my hand ."


Forth opens his eyes from his dream . He sighs . It's been ten years after that since , he held that pale hand with that promise he will tell him ways to die .

He didn't keep his promise that day . He asked that boy to come again in uncomming weekend . But that boy never came again .

"Good morning Grandpa ."

Forth looks at his side hurriedly . He holds his hand "Beam !!! I don't know about my dick but , at this rate ... my heart will get disease . Stop scaring me ."

Beam rolls his eyes "I just said good morning that also five minutes after you opened your eyes and half an hour after little Forth opened his eyes ."

Forth hurriedly looks down with wide eyes . He growls when he finds nothing . "Stop doing it ! The fuck you want ?"

"I want to see it . I told you . Just once ." Beam sits on the bed while facing Forth "Please .."

Forth sighs "no .. you can't see it . It's not a thing . It's someone's private part ."

Beam pouts . "But I am a doctor ."

Forth smacks on Beam's head lightly "no means no ."


Lam looks at Beam who is eating beside Forth in Morning delight .

Forth frowns "what ?"

Lam frowns "isn't it far from medical dorm ?"

Beam looks up from his food "I stayed with him last night . That's why I am here . He is treat me as an apology ."

Lam widens his both eyes . "Owwwwwww ."

Forth shakes his head tiredly . He doesn't the logic of his apology . How he can be responsible for Beam's bad grade ? But anyhow he accepts that he will treat Beam for one fucking month as an apology .


Forth's pov :

"Is Beam comming at lunch ?" Lam asks me when I seat beside him at lunchbreak .

I don't know actually . I agreed to treat him . But he didn't say wether it's only breakfast , only lunch or both of it . "I don't know . I will buy something later if he comes ."

"I still can't believe , you fucked him ! The Beam barame ." Lam states .

And I chock on my food to death "wTF ?"

Park passes me a glass of water "it's ok dude . We will not say anything to anyone . We knew it , you wanted to do him . "

Lam nods too "yes we knew . You were just resisting him because , he is your good friend . But this time , it's him who approached you . We get it ."

I look at them in disbelieve "what are you thinking ? Who told you that ?"

Lam shakes his head while smiling "it's ok ! We are not gonna talk about this ever again . And also , don't worry dude .. he accepted your apology .

I was about to reply them when my phone blinks . It's from Beam . I pinch hard on my nosebridge . I have a strong wish to save his name as 'headache .' But for now , I opened the chat instead .

"Forth , I have to take extra class today ! I can't go for lunch . I want evening snacks instead . Let's go under R. Bridge . I will eat spring roll and visit your lover's spot too ."

Evening snacks ? That hungry monster will eat his dinner from me too . I know . But what the hell can I say ? I promised an Apology for not fucking him .

" Okkk ! " I reply .

" Yeaaaayyy !! I love you too ."

"Stop it . I didn't say 'I love you .' "


(This childhood part is inspired by a movie .. )

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