is it black ?

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(If I say , welcome to the last chapter of this story , would you believe me ?

I always remind all of you that I am close to end before but this time forgot to give warning ! )

Mistakes are there !


3rd person's pov :

" Wait a minute ! " Pha stands up from the floor "Beam love WHAT ?"

And the frozen state of the group breaks .

"GIRLFRIEND ?" Kit shouts this time .

"Were you two talking in some other language before ? Why I coudn't understand a single word ?" Park states in the middle .

"Wait ! Wait ! Beam why are you two crying out of sudden ? " Lam looks at Beam with a frown .

Beam ignores Lam's questions and keep looking at Forth . "Why don't you chase Phee ? Are you a coward ?" He asks in a cracked voice .

"Hey ! Don't call our leader coward . He didn't chase Phee because he doesn't want Phee ." Park retorts Beam .

"What are you saying ? Forth's first love is Phee ." Pha replies in the middle .

"Waaaiitt ! Can someone talk about Beam's girlfriend ?" Kit shouts to everyone . "Shouldn't me and Pha know about her before Forth ?"

"Beam you got girlfriend ?" Pha asks leaving the previous topic .

Beam keeps looking at Forth's tired face . He ignores Pha like Forth is ignoring him . There is noting on the floor that can get Forth's attention but .. Forth's eyes are there .

"Forth doesn't want his first great love Phee ? Are you really stupid Park ?" Lam asks Park in disbelieve .

Park frowns "hey ! Ask him ! Bank told me that Phee asks Forth out few days ago for a couple night event in his college ... but Forth rejected him and then set Phee and bank together for that date ."

And the frozen moment of group begins again .

" WHAT ? " Pha shouts breaking the moment again .

Beam blinks hearing Pha's shout . He looks at Forth again . He shouts a silent why towards Forth . He knows Forth didn't hear it but Forth looks up from the ground .

"I am tired ! I should leave ! See you guys later ."

Forth was about stand up but Lam pushes him down on the floor "Shut the fuck up ! We are being good friends here . Better appriciate it !"

Lam looks at Park "you sure , he did it ?"

Park nods "100 % ! Phee and Bank even won best couple award that day . Now they are known as Piggy bank couple of the college . Though , Phee don't like it ."

"Of course ! Who would like to be called as Piggy !" Kit states .

Lam frowns . He doesn't know why he is figuring out something which seems like impossible . But the way Beam is crying ....

"Beam , what is the name of your girlfriend ?" Lam asks Beam this time .

"Ah ! Finally !" Kit looks at Beam again . So does everybody in the room , including Forth .

Beam's eyes meets Forth's eyes . Forth smiles at him softly . Beam frowns at Forth . He ignores everybody else again .

"You said Phee is soo pure and cute that you don't even get the urge to do him ?" Beam asks with a much controlled voice this time .

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