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3rd person's pov :

" Forth , Forth , Forth ... dick dick dick ."

"Stop singing that . You will make another rumours about us . Already Lam and Park thinks that I fucked you ." Forth hisses at Beam annoyedly .

They are now sitting at engineering food court . Yesterday snacks plan was canceled . Forth cancelled it . He had  something urgent to do . And he knows for sure , Beam is taking revenge for that now .

Beam pouts "that's not my fault . And also due date of my project is comming near . I need to see your dick before that . Forth , Forth ..,Forth ... ummm .."

Forth pushes a big spoon of noodles inside Beam's mouth to stop him from singing . "Beam seriously , if I get to see another blogg claiming 'Cassanova makes a song on Head hazer's dick' I am going to kill you ."

Beam rolls his eyes and stands singing a little louder "Forth , FORth , Forth ...."

"I will treat you in Castle ! That five star restaurent , if you stop singing " Forth sighs .

"I don't need your money . Go , with someone else ... go with that person with whom you went to R. Bridge last night ." Beam spats .

Forth widens his eyes "wait a minute , you know ? How ?"

" I was there ." Beam rolls his eyes and was about to sing again when Forth stops him ..

"Wait , where were you ? And how much you know ?" Forth asks with a big frown .

Beam stops and looks deep into Forth's eyes . Then he looks away .


4 days ago !

" Byyeee ! " pha waves bye at a super drunk Forth , Park and completely sober Lam who is dragging them out of Pha's room .

" Bye ! " Lam waves back at Pha .

Beam simply looks at them blankly .

Pha looks at Beam as soon as they left . "What happened to you suddenly ? Why are you so silent ? You even stopped drinking in the middle . "

Beam looks at Pha "did you heard Forth's answer about love ?"

"Yeah ! Why ?" Pha asks while opening another bear bottle .

Beam blinks "a..ah ! Nothing . Just ..'s shocking to h...hear it from Forth ."

Pha laughes "that's true ..He doesn't look like , but he is cheesy romantic . Still drooling over his childhood crush ."

Beam looks at Pha "you knew it ?"

"Nahhh ! Not at first . I came to know it in our first year .. during campus moon competition when , Forth literally followed Phee like a puppy ." Pha chuckles .

"Phee ?"

"Owner of that small hand ." Pha replies .

"What ?" Beam frowns .


"Beam ! Why are you not replying ? Where were you yesterday ? Why I didn't see you ?"

Beam comes out of his flashback hearing Forth's questions . He sighs "I am being late for my class . Byee ."

Forth frowns "huh ? Wait .... are you anyhow angry with me ?"

Beam sighs "no ! I will go to see your dick at night , if .... you are not busy ."


" Beeeaammmmm !" Pha stomps at Beam as soon as he enters medical faculty .

"Now , what Pha ?" Beam sits on the bench tiredly .

"I asked you to be mature . I asked you not to joke arround with Forth . He tried so hard to clear his reputation . I told you , for Phee .. he didn't fuck anyone for almost one year . He didn't involve in fight for one year ." Pha shouts .

"I know that Pha ."

"You know that , yet you acted like psyco and messed with him . He appeared in college blogg after almost one year because of you . And now when his all created reputation is spoiled , you are being angry with him ? Shouldn't it be the opposite ?"

Beam frowns "who told you I am angry with him ?"

"He called me asking to ask you what have he done ." Pha growls .

Beam sighs "then , did he ask you to say me all of these ?"

" No , he didn't but he said that you could be angry because he cancelled a plan with you yesterday ."

Pha sits beside Beam and takes a deep breath .

" Beam , I am common friend of both of you . I introduced you guys and now if you guys start fighting with each other .. then where will I go ?" Pha holds Beam's shoulder .

"What's going on Beam ? I am confused. You stopped joking around when I asked you to stop . You even said sorry to him . Then what now ?" Pha asks slowly .

Beam bites his lower lips "he cancelled our plans and went out with Phee last night . Even when We had the plans before . "

"That's because Phee was confused about those news .. those tattoo in dick and others .. Forth asked me to tell you this . Phee asked for an explaination , that's why ..he ..."

"You said , Phee is not Forth's boyfriend ." Beam asks with a frown .

" Phee is not . Forth is still courting him . Why ?"

Beam stands up "I am not fighting with him , Pha . I just want to tell him , he is wrong . "

"Wrong in what ?" Pha asks annoyed .

Beam looks at Pha's expression for sometimes then he looks away "you will not uderstand ."


(Am I revealing secrets little by little ?) 

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