never again

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3rd person's pov :

"Pha .. you talked with Beam ?" Forth catches Pha as soon as he comes out of his extra class .

Pha shocks "gez ! You scared me ."

Forth opens his mouth to say something but closes again .

Phana shakes his head "I talked with him . He said That I will not understand ."

"Huh ?"

"Maybe , you are right . He is angry about that cancelled plan . He said you are doing it wrong . " phana frowns .

Forth nods "I know . I asked Phee to take him other day ..but he was stubborn and curious ."

Phana shakes his head "Forth ! Phee should be your first priority . Not Beam . Stop spoiling him . Stop accepting his every demand ."

Forth looks behind Phana "where is he by the way ?"

"He didn't have extra class today ." Phana states and looks at Forth "seriously Forth .. his demands are getting ridikulus day by day .. first it was like not playing in your room , not eating anuthing except noodles , not giving him any bad dare .. but now ...

Specially after he came to know about Phee .. he just doesn't want to leave you for a second . You know , he whines all day .. about why he is not in engineering ."

Forth shakes his head "but this time it's my fault , Pha . We had plans before and maybe he waited egarly since morning for it .. You said it yourself , he hates cancelling plans .. because , his parents always does it to him ."

Phana sighs "yeah ! That's true . You are right . He hates cancelling plans ."


Forth looks at the door of his dorm for nineth time . Beam said he will drop by at night . But it's already 9:30 . He is not here , yet .

Forth stands in front of dorm at 10 pm . He chuckles seeing the post it note at the door .


Forth takes the post-it note from the door at open the door . He knows it's not locked . It's open for that person who is said to be not allowed in the post-it note .

"Beam !" Forth calls .

"Get out ."

"Let's go out for a dinner ." Forth calls .

"No , I don't need your money ."

"Then , you need to see my dick ?" Fotth asks while chuckling .

"I needed to but now , I don't .. I will find another cassanova at bar and see his dick ."

Forth shakes his head while laughing more "you can't do that . They will fuck you , if you ask to see their dick ." Forth sits on Beam's bed where Beam is lying .

"Then they will fuck me . Why do you care ?"

Forth scoops Beam from the bed along with the blanket "stop being a spoiled child . You know , Pha scolded me for almost thirty minutes to not to spoil you ."

Beam sits on the bed making cocoon . "Then go , listen to Pha and go , hang out with your Phee ."

Forth chuckles "you want to meet Phee ? He is a nice boy . If you meet him , you will love him ..."

Beam frowns "what made him a nice boy ?"

Forth frowns "umm ... everything I guess .. his small , pale figure , his soft voice , his round eyes .. cute dimples and also the brunt mark in his left hand . You know , his nanny did it to him in childhood ...."

Beam's eyes widen . "Are you stupid ? What made you think a brunt mark from childhood will stay after ten years ?"

Forth shocks "god ! Why are you shouting ?"

Beam huffs "what .... he ? Aggrhhh ... nothing ."

Forth looks at Beam "what happened ? Tell me .."

Beam looks at Froth in frustration "what else would happen, Forth ? "

Forth frowns "be clear , Beam.."

Beam sighs "you love Phee ?"

Forth frowns harder "what kind of question is that ?"

"Reply me Forth ? You love Phee ?"

" Of course ." Forth looks at Beam "I love Phee ."

"Why ?" Beam asks firmly . It's really time to correct Forth's mistake .

"Because , He is that small boy whom I loved , he is that boy for whom I waited for ten years . What else .." Forth chuckles .

" Just a burn mark .. and you are sure that he is your small boy ? "

Forth shakes his head "actually no .. not just the burn mark , you know ! He has a different aura . That day when I saw him at the bridge after ten years , I wanted to hide him from this world . That same feeling I had ten years ago ."

When he smiled at me , I only remembered the dimples of ten years ago .

You know Beam ? I am a playboy .. naturally I get the urge to fuck whenever I see a cute boy appealing to my eyes . But I never get a urge to fuck Phee . He is soo pure .. just like that boy from ten years ago . He hasn't change ." Forth stops at looks at Beam .

Beam smiles thinly "is that so ?"

Forth nods .

"Then it's not just the burn mark ? You love Phee because of how cute and how pure he is ?"

Forth nods again .

Beam looks at Forth's palm resting on his bed "then , best of luck . I wish .. one day , he will be your lover ."

Forth smiles happily "really ?"

Beam smiles "hmmm .. it's childish of me ruining your image like this in front of Phee . I will be mature and restrain myself to do that again . Promise ."

"That means no roaming around asking for a show of my dick ?" Forth asks raising his one eye brow .

Beam chuckles loudly this time
"Nope ! Never again ."


(A/n : re publishing done . Now , I will update new chapters !

So, new readers -welcome ..
Old readers - Welcome back !!

I hope , this time .. This story goes smoothing without any trouble ...  )

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