That's it

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3rd peeson's pov :

Beam Yawns as soon as he wakes up from his sleep . He had a good sleep yesterday . Mostly because Forth was there .

"Good morning !"

Beam looks at his side hurriedly "you are still here ?"

"What do you mean by you are still here ?" Forth frowns funny .

" I .. I thought you were worried yesterday t..that's why , you didn't leave .didn't you ? "

"Yes ! So what ?"

"Then , today ? I mean , what are you doing here in my room ? Aren't you suppose to court Phee ?" Beam frowns .

"I am suppose to have breatfast with you now . Tell me , what do you want ?" Forth stands up .

Beam frowns harder . Ok ! Yesterday was sweet . Verrrryyy sweet . But that can't go on . He has to accept the truth . And the truth is Forth loves Phee , not him . So be it .


"Why can't we have a fucking breakfast together Beam ?" Forth growls .

Beam sighs "I told you the reason Forth . Stop shouting ."

"But we had our promise ." Forth pouts .

"Forth , I am repeating it for the last time ... whatever promise you made to me was just a cheap joke of mine which I don't want us to continue . We had our fun days , ok ? I am sorry .. if I troubled you a lot in one week but now let's .......

"Live in our separate way ?" Forth cuts Beam "I heard it Beam . But ... I want this .. Ok ! Without any promise .. let me ask you as a friend .."

"can we have breakfast together today ?" Forth asks while standing in front of Beam casually .

"No ! I have my plans ." Beam replies while looking straight into Forth's eyes . This had to stop . Forth just can't give him hope and leave him after for Phee . He doesn't want any more cancelled plans in his life .

He had enough ....


"...Why can't we go to amuzement park today ? You promised naa..." a six years old boy asks his mother on phone with teary eyes .

"I can't leave my office now ,Beam . I will take you there next time ."


"Dad... I bought a big floating tube from mall . I will swim all day in the sea .." A eight year's old Beam runs to hug his father as soon as his father returns from the office .

"Sorry , my boy ! We can't go for beach trip tomorrow . It's an emergency situation in my company ."


"Mom ! I have inviteded pha and Kit for my birthday . Can you order a eggless cake ? Pha doesn't eat egg .." A twelve years old Beam asks his mother .

" Oh ! Boy .. can you ask your friend to come any other day ? Tomorrow .. we will be very busy and your nanny doesn't want any other kid to trouble her .."


"Pha ! Our Maldives trip are on , right ? Why Kit was saying that I should call you before ?" A seventeen year old Beam ask his one of best friend on call .

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