then ?

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3rd person's pov :

"Beam .... Beeeammm ." Pha stroms into the classroom while shouting Beam's name .

Beam sighs "now what Pha ?"

"It's my line . Now what Beam ? Forth called me asking if you are angry with him ? You denied to have meals with him ?" Pha frowns .

Beam sighs again . A deep sigh . "Pha , you asked me not to trouble him with my demands . I am just doing that . I promised him that I will not roam around to see his dick again . I , even explained the cheap trick .. I used for free meals ."

" Oh ! " Phana frowns harder "really ?"

"Yeah ! He should give his free time to Phee . I wished him best of luck for that too ."

"Oh .... umm ... ok then , I guess ! You .. are not angry with him ?" Phana asks in confusion.

"No ..Why would I ?"

"Cool then ! I think ! " Pha frowns . It's weird to hear this much mature words from.Beam . But whatever , if he says ...

"Wanna grab dinner together ? You, me and Kit ?" Phana asks while sitting beside Beam .

Beam grins "nah ! Gotta go somewhere else ."

Pha raises his eyebrow . Owh ! So this is the reason ..."Bar ?"

Beam winks " after sooo many days ."


"What do you mean by he is not angry with me ?" Forth shouts at Pha on call in the evening .

"Gezz ! Forth why are you shouting ? Now , it's you who are being weird instead of Beam ."

"Pha , if he is not angry with me then why he cancelled our plans ? We had plans to have brunch , lunch and dinner together . What about that ?" Forth asks .

"Don't tell me that . He explained everything to you . And he gave you time for Phee . Use it , Forth rather than shouting why Beam is angry .. because he is not ."

"If he is not then why he isn't picking up my calls . Give him your phone . I want to talk to him ."

"I can't !" Pha sighs .

"Whyyyyyyy ?" Forth growls on the call .

"Because he is not with me . He is at the bar now , enjoying his life to the fullest and I will be happy if you do that and let me do that too . " Phana cuts the call .


"You .Came .Here .Too .Early ?"

Beam looks up from the ground hearing a hissing sound . He chuckles . Damnn . Is he being love sick ? He is halluzinating without being drunk ? Oh god ! Sooo bad .

"Why didn't you pick up my calsl ?"

Another hiss . Beam chuckles again .


Beam jolts . "F..f roth ? What .. wait a minute ! What are you doing here ?"

Forth growls "FUCKING OPEN THE DOOR !"

Beam blinks "HUH ?"


"Ouch Forth ! You are hurting me ." Beam says as Fotth was rubbing his jaw too hard to remove the lipstick stain from it .

Forth takes a fresh wet tissue "That's why you couldn't take my calls . You were this kind of busy ."

Beam sighs "I told you I was alone there and I was not that kind of busy ."

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