Together Breakfast

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This was the one thing that I've been searching for from the moment that I heard about it. The thing that may bring my life to completion. The Rico Nobin statue from the pirate-themed anime, Two parts. It was her posing on a miniature version of the crew's first ship, the Went Happy. It's a good thing that I saved up all that money from all the busking that I've been doing. I exchanged the four-hundred dollars that I had on me to the shop owner, a worthy sacrifice to get the best girl in anime in general. As I walked out, admiring the prize in my hand, I caught a quick glimpse of a girl that looked at me. Though she did look familiar in some way. Oh well, no time to dwell on it now. I had to get to the Temple and put her on a shelf.

I got inside to see Pearl and Amethyst bickering like always, this time it was about a sword that Amethyst may or may not have taken. Steven sees and approaches me.

"Onyx, look, I made breakfast for everyone." 

"That's nice, little man, but I have something important to do," I said as I rushed to the door with the black onyx gem in the center of the star of the temple door glowing and sucking every part of the door into the star part like a black hole. Entering the room, the door closed behind me. There, I was faced with my room. The walls were lined with guitars, harps, oboes, cellos, and almost every instrument under the sun. There were also bookshelves filled with comics, novels, and vinyl records with a record player next to them. There was another area with a T.V. and a gaming system with a few shelves of miniatures, figures, and statues. 

There was a spot I knew that I had to put Rico on, right in the middle of the shelves. The perfect centerpiece for any home. That's when I heard someone coming down the hall to my room. I saw Steven and Amethyst running into my room, making almost every instrument on the walls fall. I stood there with an unamused expression on my face. I got in front of their path, and they stopped immediately.

"Alright, what's going on here?" They started to explain at the same time. I had to stop them and made them go individually.

"I made this together breakfast so that everyone can eat it, well, together. But Amethyst wants to be a selfish Sandy and eat it all for herself." Amethyst's only comeback was that she was hungry.

"And now that I found you here too, that makes half, time to find the others," Steven said as he ran down the other hallway, and Amethyst and I gave chase. The hallway led to a whole bunch of twists and turns that led to another room with floating platforms in it, which made him stop to look right behind him. Getting closer, I saw that he started jumping to the other side with glass tubes that led to another room as he caught all the food on the plate. We were right behind him with him telling Amethyst that she was totally missing the point. All that running had led us to the center of the temple. That's where we see Steven on a glass pillar that goes down into a hole with Pearl on the other end of the room.

"Steven, there you are." Steven then counted the three out of four of us for some reason.

"Oh, OOHH, Steven, be careful," Steven questioned why but looked up to see the Crystal heart and that he was on one of the pipes that led to it. Pearl began to explain that it was connected to the most dangerous parts of the temple. "Hold on tight, and don't look down." We ran to get him off of the glass tube. But Steven had looked down and lost his grip before any of us could get to him in time.

"Oh no, we have to go get him, Amethyst, Onyx, come on." That's when Pearl led us through the pit where Steven had fallen to.

"What was Steven talking about with 'together breakfast'?" I had asked when Amethyst said he wanted all of us together to eat together or something. What a great idea. Sadly, it is taking all this work for us to get together to eat. We come out of the hole and see Steven definitely in front of us and ok as I look around and notice that we were in the Burning room with all the gems that we fought and subsequently poofed with Garnet burning a weird abstract painting in one of her bubbles. 

"Steven, we're getting you out of here." Pearl had said in a whisper with Amethyst and me doing the same. Our sudden appearance led to Steven screaming that we were all together. I looked over to Garnet, who had noticed our presence now, but she was losing control of the bubble that she had formed.

"We can finally eat, I mean, we don't have any forks, but we can use our hands. But we can use our hands, I'm not gonna judge." He said all this while Pearl, Amethyst, and I went to Garnet's aid so she wouldn't lose control of her bubble.

"Steven, GO!" Steven had questioned if they wanted to meet in the kitchen. This made Garnet lose focus altogether, releasing the creature from the bubble as a formless smoke cloud smashing a large tendril onto us. Luckily, we dodged out of the way and took out our weapons with me taking out my guitar and transforming it into a battle ax.

"It's trying to escape, force it back." Garnet had gone to punch it with her gauntlet, but it just went to the ceiling and made its way toward Steven. We tried our best to hold the beast back. Amethyst with her whips, Pearl with her spear, and me with my ax. Garnet had given the final blow, but the beast made its way to Steven and burrowed its way into Steven's breakfast. With Steven on the ground, the Together Breakfast had formed into a giant abomination made of waffles, corn, syrup, and whipped cream standing over him. Pearl had distracted it with her spear, but it looked even angrier.

"It's taken refuge in organic matter," Pearl said before she was pushed to the wall by its tendril of whipped cream and syrup and sticking her to it. Garnet said that it now had all the powers of a breakfast. I had to stifle a laugh. It was a real struggle to beat this thing, with Garnet getting her hand stuck in it when she punched it. Amethyst and I tried to help her out of the thing, but it shot a giant waffle out at us.

"That's enough," Steven yelled out and started pushing the monster breakfast into the pool of lava. "I don't care if you are the most important meal of the day," Steven continued to struggle with the monster due to its size. "I made you bring us together, not to tear us apart." He had said, pushing the giant monster completely into the lava and destroying it. The rest of us had gotten out of our traps and gone over to Steven.

"I'm sorry guys, I guess I dreamed too big." Back in the kitchen. We were making the breakfast bigger and better. Double the waffles, double the popcorn, double the syrup, the whipped cream, and finally, the carefully placed strawberry.

"Looks great, it's even more together and even more breakfast," Steven had said, though, at this point, everyone was getting a little uneasy and looking at it with weird looks on their faces.\

"I don't think I can eat this." Amethyst then suggested that we all get pizza, and we fervently agreed to it. Though it would be a waste to throw this plate out.

"I'll still eat it."

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