A day in the life.

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"I told you, this is pointless. There's no way that he's alive." My brother is always the downer. I, however, always believed Grandma's stories.

"Why can't you just have a sense of wonder or adventure?" I asked. He just gives me a look.

"Lila, think about it. We've come from Empire City to this backwater coastal tourist trap with nothing but grandma's ramblings, a picture of when he was young, and a hunch." My brother lists off. "Now tell me how we're supposed to find one guy with all of that." Maybe he's right, but then again, we made it here. Why not keep going?

"How about this, I bet you fifty bucks that we find our long lost great uncle, and if we don't, you get the money, we go home, AND you can say you told me so." He looks to be thinking it over and over until he finally makes his decision.

"OK, you're on." We shake each other's hands, and we separate to find our great uncle (Y/n) (L/n).

I wake up with a yawn. I shouldn't have even slept since I am a gem now. Gems don't eat, sleep, or well, have any human needs. Even if that's the case, the Crystal Gems act human enough, especially Amethyst. Heading out of my room, I see Pearl holding a sort of bubble with gem shards explaining something to Steven, although he isn't paying attention.

"Ah, Onyx, have you seen a gem shard anywhere?" Pearl asked.

"Have you checked Amethyst's room? Didn't a sword of yours float down your waterfall or something?." Pearl told me that was where she went first and sighed as I shrugged.

"If you see it, bring it to me right away. I'm going to check in town." Pearl then walked out to town while I was left with a pantsless Steve.

"I'm off too, lil bud," I say, ruffling his hair on my way. He waved and yelled out a goodbye, and I waved back. Walking down the boardwalk, I saw a baby crying in his mother's arms. Pulling out my Lyre, I started to strum a lullaby. The baby stopped, and I could hear steady breathing as the mom looked at me and smiled

"Thank youuu." She whispered her gratitude. I like wandering around town. There's almost always something new for me to learn about. Maybe something will jumpstart my memory. Right then, I see a small flying craft tied to a string being held by a small girl. I walked to the girl and stared at the thing in the sky while she stared at me.

"Do you wanna fly my kite?" A what? Is that what it was? Wild. I looked wide-eyed as the little girl handed over what was a spool of yarn, and now that I was holding it, it felt almost calming. After a while, I handed the spool back to the girl and thanked her for letting me borrow her flying...tike? She told me that I could play with her anytime. Meanwhile, another person was walking up to talk to the girl for some more of her time, and off I went to the boardwalk.

Alright, the first place to search is the beach. Good as any place to start. I see an individual walking past me. He had grey skin, though I didn't see his face, I hope he's ok. Looking at the girl with the kite, I walk up to her and pull out the picture.

"Have you seen this guy? He might be about eighty-nine or so?" She held the photo up to the girl as the girl inspected it.

"Hmmm... I saw a guy that looked exactly like that," the girl explained. "You just passed him." I whipped my head around to see if he was still there. He wasn't, but this is good. I can practically smell that fifty bucks already. I thanked the little girl and went on to my next destination.

Sometimes Mr. Smiley asks me to help out at the Pier, and today was one of those days. I saw Mr. Smiley warming up whatever audience there was by juggling and telling jokes. I pat him on the shoulder to show him that I arrived and he stopped juggling, sighed in relief, and dropped what he did.

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