Yelling because they care

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I woke up with the kids I figured out were my great-niece and nephew. I decided to let them bunk with me for the time being. I mean... I might as well, seeing as they're family, I guess. It took a while to get to know each other. Lila is the more adventurous kid, while Jericho is a more book-learned kid and would rather stay inside. They were still in awe of my room and how it was inside of a giant stone woman on a mountain.

"THIS IS SO COOL!" Lila had shouted in excitement while running around the place. It was hard to get her wrangled in while she was here. Yesterday, I had to chase her around the temple while the gems were gone, and every room she entered was just as surprising to her as the last. Jericho helped, though his reactions of surprise were more confused in the fact that it couldn't be possible that there were that many rooms and that the dimensions were off...guess I never thought about it before.

It was beginning to be a pretty chill day right now. Jericho was in the corner of my room listening to a record with headphones. Meanwhile, Lila was sitting with her legs lying against the wall. I guess that a spirit like hers can't handle being cooped up like this.

"Gruncle (Y/N), can't we go out in the city? I'm so bored." Jericho managed to hear her through the headphones.

"Not much of a city if you ask me." Jericho got to his feet. "And if you ask me, we should stay put. we also need to let Mom know that we're okay. She has to be worried sick." their mom, I guess.

"Well, smart guy, I can't call Mom. I left the letter, so now it's your turn. Besides, even if I wanted to, my phone is dead." Jericho then went to smack his face. something tells me that his phone's got no juice either.

"Don't worry, buckaroos. I know a place we can go. Let's head out." Lila was all for the idea while Jericho was reluctant about it. We exited the temple and saw the Gems and Steven standing at the door.

"But you guys can't watch this time. It'll mess up my funky flow." looks like I caught them in the middle of something. However, when I hear funky flow, I have to get involved.

"Funky flow, huh? Well, now I'm curious," They greeted me except for Steven.

"Do I call you Onyx or (Y/N) now?"

"Use whatever your big ol' heart tells you. Now, what is this thing that the funky flow directed at?" I look out the window and see a girl in a sunhat sitting and reading a book. Now I get it. Meanwhile, Lila was looking at the three Gems with stars in her eyes.

"That's right, I haven't introduced you to the fam yet. The lil firecracker is Lila, and the tall nervous one is Jericho." Lila started shaking everyone's hand while Jericho kept a distance and slightly offended at my description.

"So you guys are the three women living with my great-uncle. I must say... I get it." I had to correct her on that, and she pointed out that we have a child together. That child being Steven.

"He has a dad. It's not me, but he has one nonetheless." She was saddened by me saying this.

"Why do you look so sad about that? Don't you have enough drama already?" Jericho blurted out. He does have a point. At that point, we all said our goodbyes and went to the Big Donut. Sadie should be able to help us out...and Lars, Lars too. We were walking down the beach to get to the rest of the town and passed the girl that the funky flow would be directed at soon. I nodded my head in her direction, and she waved back at us. As we got closer to the Donut, I could hear Jericho practically panic.

"What's she gonna say when we call her? How mad is she? Did she cry when she found out? Oh my gosh... WE MADE MOM CRY!!!" Uh oh.

"Hey man, she can't be that mad at you, right? I'm sure she'll forgive you once she hears your voice again." This seemed to make him feel at ease, if only a little. We got to the Big Donut, and I saw Sadie and Lars behind the counter. Sadie greets me warmly enough while Lars greets me with indifference.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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