Gem Glow

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Peace was in the air in Beach City, the sun was shining, birds were chirping, and nothing could ruin this day.


That is until our main character found out the worst thing imaginable. His favorite snack had been discontinued in his favorite donut shop.

"This can't be happening. This has to be a dream,"

Steven was about to lose his mind, looking at his reflection. He runs over to cling to his "friend." Lars, both way different in height with Steven being 4'2" and Lars at around 5'11".

"Get off me, man. I'm stocking here,"

He walked away as Steven slumped to the ground.

"I'm sorry, Steven, I guess they stopped making them,"

Sadie said to try and calm Steven down.

"Stop making them, why in the world would they stop making them? They're only the most scrumptious and delicious ice cream sandwich ever made. Don't they have laws for this,"

Steven started spiraling, not able to make sense of anything, lars interjected with his explanation.

"Tough bits, man, nobody buys them anymore, I guess they couldn't compete with Lion Lickers,"

This made Steven even more upset than he already is.

"Uggh, not Lion Lickers, nobody likes them, they don't even look like lions; kids these days I'll tell you what,"

Lars goes on to make fun of Steven's "magic belly button" and makes Steven irritated.

"That's not how it works, Lars, right?"

Steven squishes his stomach, trying to make his gem work. He approaches the mini-freezer that the ice cream would be and lists what were so good about them and kisses it. Sadie suggested that he take the freezer with him, and he does so, wrapping the cord around him to make a backpack. Steven now runs to his house made from a statue on the side of a mountain. He barges in to tell the crystal gems all about the injustice he had encountered.

"Hey guys, you won't believe this,"

Just then, a green and black centipede-like creature with an eye in its pincers jump on Steven secreting acid from its pincers, and just as fast as it jumped on Steven, it was wrapped in a whip by Amethyst.

"Sup, Steven,"

She then tugs back, flinging the beast, Pearl dancing like a ballerina with a spear in hand fending off each one, and Garnet keeping her composure, breaking the back of one throwing punches left and right, one landed on her head, but she tore it in two. Another centipede was going after Steven until the sound of a harp was heard, like a miracle, hundreds of strings of light surrounded the beast effectively driving through its body and killing it. Steven looked around and saw Onyx. Like Steven, he was a little more human than the others.

"Hey, little man,"

Onyx had begun to ruffle Steven's hair and got back to the fight, wearing a white V-neck that shows his gem between his pectorals, a dark grey flannel overshirt, black jeans, and high tops, holding a grey harp in his hand.

The house was in disarray with Centipedles swarming around the house as the crystal gems try their best to get rid of the nuisance.

"Awesome, what are these things,"

"Sorry, Steven, we'll get these Centipedles out of your room, we think they were trying to get into the temple,"

Steven then replies to Pearl now that she has one in her arms so that they don't have to get rid of the beasts. After he said that, the one in her arms spits acid on the floor.

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