Laser Light Cannon

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Beach City Fries, a popular place to eat and hang out, even if someone doesn't order from the menu. One such customer was Steven Universe, running up to the counter with his friend and comrade Amethyst. When they got there, Steven requested the usual from Mr. Fryman, owner  of the establishment.

"Gimme the bits." Fryman had just told Steven they were closed, leaving Steven disappointed

"Give him the bits, the bits, the bits," Amethyst had said. The chanting getting louder and louder, slamming on the counter, eventually gaining Stevens voice.

"The bits, the bits." eventually Fryman gave in and told them to go easy on the counter. Fryman offered to give them actual fries instead of the leftover remnants of what was in the fryer. But Steven only wanted the bits and nothing else. Being handed the fry bits, the two walked away eating what was given to them, with Steven referencing how sunset was his favorite time of day. How the first sun goes down and the second sun gets bigger and bigger and bigger.

Amethyst had only chuckled at what he had just said, almost choking on what she had in her mouth. Looking up only made her stop talking, realizing what it was. She hastily picked Steven up and brought him to the Crystal Gems. making him drop his bits.

Pearl was looking at the giant sphere with a telescope, while I was doing my best to slow it down with my floating key board, striking keys that would make lasers fly out and hit the thing. But it did nothing.

"Whelp, I'm out of ideas." I had said not really knowing what to do now. Garnet had placed a hand on my head, trying to console me. Amethyst comes over holding Steven over her head, setting him down and asking what's happening right now. Pearl had asked them where they were, only having Amethyst replying with the fact that they were eating fry bits, annoying Pearl slightly. Steven went to have a look through the telescope, seeing that the armor of the giant ball open up to unveil a giant eye.

"It's a giant eyeball, awesome." Steven had yelled

"Not awesome, it's a red eye." Pearl had told him, making Steven worried, but he mistook it for a pink eye that infects everything it gets near. Garnet had corrected him and Amethyst laughed at that.

"It's going to crash into beach city and crush us along with a bunch of oblivious innocent people, we have to stop it." Pearl had given the critical information that Steven needed to know, only getting him to question what we were going to do.

"The only thing powerful enough to destroy it is a Laser Light Cannon that belonged to Rose Quarts." Garnet had given the how to defeat it. Now the only question left to answer is where is the darn thing.

"If Rose were here, it would be so easy." Amethyst had stated, only for Pearl to agree with her but going on to say that she wasn't and the cannon was missing, so that leaves that option out. That gave Steven an idea, only to say that if it belonged to his mom, then maybe his dad knows where it is. This left Pearl with some doubts, along with the other gems.

"Greg is...nice, Steven, but I doubt Rose would entrust someone like him with such a powerful weapon." Pearl had stated, like Greg had no redeeming qualities. Amethyst had agreed with Pearl, only not holding back that he was a mess. Everyone was looking down on Greg, but this was annoying me. He may not seem like much, but Greg is a good person through and through, and if he were given something from Rose, then there's no way he would be so carless with it.

"No way, I'm sure he's just keeping it somewhere safe, I'll go ask him." Garnet interrupted Steven insisting that they can do it themselves. This lead to Garnet picking up Amethyst and throwing her straight at the eye causing her to hit it and fall straight to the sea. That didn't have any effect on anything except for the fact that it made me want to go with Steven's idea way more.

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