Finally Awake

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A small light shines in my vision, proceeding to get bigger as it gets the brightest it can get I hear a whisper saying wake up. My body shoots up, breathing hard. I look around and see that in in a field of flowers. Reds, blues, purples, and yellows as far as the eye can see, a welcome sight to see after...I don't know how many years I have been asleep. To tell the truth, I don't know how I got here. The last thing I remember, I was on the ground after that weird monster came and stabbed me with a spider like leg , heart bleeding out, and I saw what seemed like a giant woman standing over me, then I blackout. Now here I am and as I remember my wound I feel over my heart and feel something round. I look to see what seems like an onyx in my chest. I look around again to see if I can tell where I am, big surprise I can't.

I decided to get up and walk around, there was a slight breeze and I felt it on my entire body. I look down to see nothing but my skin, if only I had some clothes. Just then, a light formed around me, and the next thing I knew I had a grey, ragged, well worn shirt with a hole exposing the onyx. Weird, even if it is attached to my body I can't come to call it mine. I also had black shorts just as ragged, no shoes though. It surprised me so suddenly I just froze in place. Once I got over what normally doesn't happen to me, which took a while, I looked and saw that the gem inside of me was still there. A hole exposed it more than I wanted. I then shook it off and went to walk in one direction. There must be a town if I just keep walking. Just then I feel a warm breeze on the back of my neck. Looking behind me slowly and is see a giant, pink, lion.

I could do nothing but mentally scream, and why is this lion pink anyway. If only I had a weapon. I can't just take a lion with my bare hands. Just then, the onyx on my chest started to glow, and as if a voice told me to do so, I reached for it; hoping it would do something. As I was doing so, the lion changed it's posture like it was bowing. No, more like it wants me to get on it's back. With everything that's happening too me, how can I refuse. I start to climb onto him as he gets up and I grab on tight.

"Alright, where are you going to take me,"

As I asked that, I am suddenly thrust into what I can assume is a portal and around me is what I can essentially describe as a tube of light. Just a few seconds later, I am right behind a giant pale pink woman standing on a cliff staring at an ocean. I guess this is who I talk to. The woman turns around and what was a confused look, turns to a happy smile.

"Oh, you're finally awake,"

She said so relieved. I was relieved that I didn't have to explain what had happened. Just thinking about it makes me think I've gone crazy. She fully turns around and I see that she had pink hair with giant long curls and a long white dress. But what drew my eye was the gem on her stomach, almost like the gem where my heart used to be. I was about to speak when I heard someone yell like they were attacking. I step back a few feet and something or someone flew bye and ran back, standing in front of me, holding what looked like a glowing spear and a gem in the middle of her forehead.

"Who are you, where did you come from, did Home World send you, well you won't take us without a fight,"

At this point, she was just assuming what she thought was already true. Then a slightly bigger woman stood in front of her, she walked toward me and said.

"Hmmm...I saw you a little bigger than this,"

Somehow I felt offended having that statement come from her. At this point I felt something crawl on my back and onto my head. Just then I saw a purple hued individual hanging upside-down and close to my face.

"Hi I'm Amethyst, what's your name."

"Garnet, Amethyst get away from him. We don't know where he came from. he might be trying to infiltrate the base."

"I don't see that happening."

"Come on let's go, I'll show you around the Temple."


Just as I was about to stop this nonsense, another voice joined in.

"Everyone please, calm down I will explain everything, just calm down. I'm sure our guest would appreciate that,"

"Yes I would, first who are you people, second where am I, third what happened to me, guys have a Steak ready, maybe a burger?"

They stare at me and the giant pink lady continued to smile at me.

"The first three are easy. First we are the crystal gem and I am Rose Quarts, and these are my friends, Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst.

She introduced everyone and they answered in tandem.




"Right now, you are in Beach City, our home,"

Rose Quarts had just answered two of my questions, now for the two most important ones.

"What had happened to you, well one of our friends were shattered from a giant monster that we were fighting and I couldn't think of anything at all to save her. Then, I had heard a loud scream, your loud scream. I had hurriedly picked the pieces up and went over to where your scream came from and I find, well, you on the floor losing a red liquid from your body. I had panicked and took you away,"

The more she talked the more I understood what she was getting at, instead of losing two people she saved us both by implanting what she could find of her friend in me. I thought more about it, but a question rang in the atmosphere to bring me out of the trance I was in.

"Are you upset about it,"

It was Rose that asked it and she looked at me with a worried expression as well as everyone else. And come to think of it, I was a little upset, I answer with a sigh first and then with my own words.

"I mean I would have liked to have been asked about what I wanted, but seeing as how I was unable to talk at that point, there is no need to steam over it so forget about it. One more thing, why was I in the ground?"

"To get all the nutrients you can, growing big and strong, that's how all we all started,"

Amethyst stated to me, I guess I'm a flower now. But now the most important question has yet to be answered, do they have food?

"We've never had the need to actually consume any food like stake, or a bergr before but maybe if we go in to the Temple, we can find something for you,"

Rose's hand was outstretched toward me, I was a little reluctant at first, but I felt as though I had known her all my life, so I accepted her hand. I guess some of her friend is still inside me after all. And so begins my new life.

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