Can't Stay Dead For Long

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To say alternate Adam and Barbara were just as angered was an understatement. Their attention flicked back to the Juno of this universe and they could feel a furious fire fueling inside of them. And said fire built up rapidly.

Alternate Barbara let out a low, but still loud enough growl as she, followed by her universe's version of Adam, advanced towards Juno but still they had to keep their distance. They didn't know what the demonic woman would do, and they both, for sure, didn't want to know what she would and could do. If Juno was to try anything else to make sure the alternate versions of the Maitland-Deetzes stay in that one universe and not go back to their own, then she, for sure, was going to answer to the alternate Maitlands.

"What!" alternate Barbara hissed, her tone bordering more on becoming demonic. "Did! You! Do! To! Her?!"

Juno merely laughed. "Killed her. What else did you expect?!"

Alternate Barbara shared a look with her Adam that screamed 'get her'!, then they grew much more angrier as their attention locked back on Juno. Alternate Barbara advanced towards Juno some more. She curled one of her shaking hands into a fist and aimed it towards Juno. Unfortunately, she ended up missing, as Juno smugly teleported out of the way.

Whether or not it was just to mock her and/or mess with her, alternate Barbara wasn't quite sure. Her attention flicked to the side, for a moment, then she focused back on Juno.

"Why?!" Alternate Barbara's tone of voice was venomous as she spoke.

"Why? To teach you all a lesson," Juno simply responded, letting out another evil laugh. "I just made it slightly more difficult for you all."

Alternate Barbara growled, fiercely and ferociously. Even more angered than she had been at Juno. Alternate Adam was asked to stay over by their Lydia, whereas alternate Barbara advanced towards Juno. Just about ready for a fight, Barbara had a clenched fist raised, her eyes narrowed and her teeth grit. And it seemed like Juno had taken notice. She'd assumed a more freakish half-demonic appearance, and alternate Barbara followed suit, appearing as scary and as intimidating as she could.

She let out a war cry, immediately launching herself towards Juno. Yet she had only tackled the evilly grinning half-demonic woman to the ground about ready to fight her and get it done and over with, when the familiar voices of her alternate self, the other Adam, the other Lydia, the other Charles and Delia, and Beetlejuice sounded just outside the door to the attic.

They burst into the attic just as Juno teleported out from under alternate Barbara and straight back to the Netherworld (with the warning that she was going to be back sooner rather than later), causing alternate Barbara to fall to the floor. Alternate Adam stood to go help his wife up and Lydia rushed over to Lyds.

Barbara's attention flicked to alternate her and alternate Adam, a look of confusion and/or concern in her eyes that also seemed to be mirrored in her husband's eyes.

"What happened? We heard a lot of loud noises and shouting."

Alternate Barbara turned to both of the Lydias, before turning back to her alternate self. As she spoke, there was a sadness to her tone.

"The Juno of this universe s-she... killed our Lydia. We..." Alternate Barbara paused, unsure of whether or not she should continue. ".... Don't know what's gonna happen to yours, since the both of them have a sort of connection with one another, much like I do with you and my Adam has with yours."

Alternate Barbara sat down, ghostly tears dripping down the sides of her face and onto the floor. Alternate Adam, Adam, and Barbara moved to sit on either side of her, the four of them worried. What else were they going to do.

Lydia's attention flicked to all the adults in the room, as well as Beetlejuice.

"Hey? You mentioned the connection I had with Lyds right?" Lydia asked, breaking the onset of a deafening silence. "What if... what if I could use that particular connection to bring her back to life." She paused to look down. "If I can, that is..."

Alternate Barbara, alternate Adam, Barbara and Adam turned to look at one another. And Charles and Delia had their attention focused on all four ghosts. That did seem like a good idea, from what they could tell, but both Barbaras and both Adams still had their doubts. An even longer deafening silence befell the room, broken when alternate Barbara expressed said thoughts.

"Are you sure that's going to work, other Lydia? What if you ended up dying too..."

"Relax, other Barbara. It'll be fine."

Her attention focused on alternate Barbara, Lydia rested a hand on Lyds' heart and ignored the slight off white glow that was now emitting from said location. For a few minutes, at the very least.

"Uh, Lydia..." Barbara uttered out, pointing a hand out.

Lydia's attention snapped back down towards Lyds, and she remained calm and focused — her hand remaining placed on Lyds' chest. The off-white glow intensified, until it covered the entirety of Lyds' body. As quickly as it had appeared, the glow dissipated and Lydia retracted her hand as Lyds sat upright, rubbing confusedly at her head. She allowed her blurred vision some time to clear and focus, before she turned to face everyone else — all of them equally as worried for her.

Yet another deafening silence seemed to befall the room, broken only when Lyds confusedly uttered out,

"Wha— what happened?"

The Girl in the Mirror: a Beetlejuice fanfic Where stories live. Discover now