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-lando's pov

This year has been weird, from Carlos moving to Ferrari to wining my first podium this year in Italy, it has been a real rollercoaster and lets hope i won't fall out....Daniel - my new teammate, he is amazing person, so funny, so charming, but still....he is not Carlos, I really miss him, he was like my brother, no
one can replace him, and I'm not trying to replace him. Now enough about the past, let's focus on the present. The boys and I were sitting in the paddock waiting for Daniel, he said that he wants us to meet someone....and then I saw her.......

She had this beautiful look in her eyes, elegant but dangerous, like you could drown yourself if you look in them too much. Her hair - brown, not too long, not too short - somehow just perfect. She was beautiful, really really beautiful, but still looked pretty dangerous.

Then our eyes met, but there was no magic sparkles or fireworks, like they say in the movies, it was more like she didn't wanted to be here. She was a mess of gorgeous chaos, and you could see it in her eyes. I saw that I'm not the only one that likes her, the boys were looking at her with the same look as me, with desire!

"Hi, I'm Mia, Daniel's cousin"! she introduced herself. Daniel's what?I didn't knew he had a cousin. A beautiful one. Well now there is no chance for something to happen, knowing Daniel he will crash into my car if I try something...the question was is it worth the risk of trying...

-third person pov-

"Hi, I'm Max, it's nice to meet you". Max said while they shook their hands.
"Hello, linda, my name is Carlos". he said in his typical Spanish accent.
"Hello love, I'm George". He said with his eyes looking her up and down. But that didn't bother her, actually it just made her ego bigger, she loved to hear compliments, she knew she was beautiful, they just confirmed her theory....
"Hey, back of, she is my cousin, that means no"! Daniel said with the strict voice!
"Lando". the Mclaren driver said, trying to get something out of his mouth, she was breathtaking. Mia thought it was a bit mean but something in his eyes showed his anything but meanness....
"Hello, princess, I'm Pierre". Pierre, that was him, she couldn't believe, she used to hear so much about him, but that was it brought only sad memories. Pierre also had heard a lot about her....

"Pierre", in that moment I couldn't believe my own ears, it's him, I never imagined that someday I will meet him.." she thought while shaking his hand
"I know" she said and let a breath slide out, trying to hide all the emotions. Only a few things were able to make her show any kind of emotion and that was on of them....
"Wait- how do you know me"? He asked while everyone else stood there in complete unawareness, everyone except Daniel, he knew about her past.....
"He used to talk a lot about you". Mia answered, still trying to stop all the tears coming into her eyes. She won't be weak again, even tho he told her it's fine to have emotions, she promised him, she will be strong, and she is going to keep her promise with the coast of her life!
"What do you mean?Who?" Pierre asked, still not understanding.
"Anthonie". was the only thing she said...
Everyone went silent. They didn't knew what to say. Anthonie was a big part of Pierre's life and one of the reasons she of his success, without him he wouldn't be able to reach F1. They fed of each other's energy!
"Anthonie, I haven't heard his name in a while, it's strange, but how does she knew him"? Pierre was asking himself.
"Wait, how do you know him"? He asked, wondering why Anthonie never mentioned her.
"We used to be friends, he helped me a lot, I made some bad decisions but he was there for me". she said, the frustration in her eyes was visible from a plane but she tried to hide it very hard.
"But he never mentioned you"
"Maybe not under that name" she said calmly, remembering all their good moments, "Does Martina ring a bell for you" she asked him.
Pierre was shocked, now he remembered, after almost every practice his friend used to disappear for a few ours, when he came back and Pierre asked him where he was his answer always was "a friend", turned out this friend's name was Martina. He used to talk about her with this glow in his eyes, like she was some sort of angel, that only he was able to see, the Alpha Tauri driver was never able to meet her, and Anthonie always used to say that if one day he really do meet her he will be honoured, maybe now is his chance. Anthonie always said that there were no romantic feelings for her but if he got the chance, he would defend put a ring on her finger...
"I- I can't believe this, I haven't heard his name in a while" he said slowly, not wanting to make her more emotional than she is now
"Me too, I miss him". she answered while wiping away one single tear...
Everyone else stood there in absolute silence, nobody knew what to do, so Daniel decide to brake the ice and say something...
"Okay enough saddnes, lets go to the hotel, shall we"? Daniel asked his cousinwhile taking her bags.

He said goodbye to his friends and took her to the car. They went to the hotel in silence and then went to different paths to their rooms with minimal conversations. He could see how upset she got and didn't want to bother her more, Mia needed some time alone.

When she got in the room, she sat on the bed and just stared at the wall, it has been months since she got emotional for him, but the pain was still the same. Mia have never been scared of death, maybe because she has been on the edge so many times or because she don't have feelings after all, but we all understand death only after it has placed its hands on someone we love. She promised that she will never love again, but yet the risk of this amazing feeling called love is the pain you experience when you lose them and that is the worst pain you can feel!

She tried to fall asleep but all she could think about was her friends, all their memories and shared moments....

words count: 1132

just wanna say a big THANK U to my special girls from "toto simps", love u guys<3

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