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As Lando promised he was waiting for Mia at the lobby. A few minutes earlier. More like twenty minutes earlier.

He just wanted to be there on time or he was just too excited to see her.

But to say that the driver wasn't nervous would be lying. All her friends would becthere, all those players. They just won for God's sake.

After a while he was scrolling down his Instagram he looked up and saw her. She looked like a princess, the most beautiful princess ever.

"Hi Norris" she smiled at him but he looked like he had lost the ability of speaking. "I- um h- hi, you look- wow" he mumbled his words and she giggled. Did I just giggled?What is wrong with me? Those were the girl's thoughts.

"Thank you, you look wow too" she smirked at him and he just smiled. What a lucky guy he was.

"Now let's go, we don't want to be late" she took his hand and didn't think much of it. But Lando? Poor poor Lando, he was going to collapse any second now. Like when you have a crush in high school and you are paired together for a project. Thats how Lando felt around her. Like he was back in high school.

The car drive was quiet, some small talk and comfortable silence. They enjoyed each other's company.

"We are here" Lando announced when they were un front of the restaurant. As they walked out of the car Lando rushed to open her door and she smiled at him. Gentleman.

"Let's go" the girl took a breath and they both walked it. She looked nervous, but that went away fast.

The restaurant was reserved for the team and the staff, there weren't other customers.

"Im here bitches!" Mia shouted and rushed to jump into Mason Mount's arms, that jumped of his chair the moment he saw her.

Everyone cheered and laughed at the girl. You can see how much they love her.

Lando stood there a bit awkward. He was alone in a room full of footballer that had just won a major tournament. I what a way to start the night.

"Guys listen" she called for everyone's attention, "This is Lando Norris, some of you know him, some of you don't, Lando is a Formula One racing driver" she introduced him and some of them got up to introduce themselves.

"Hurt her and you won't have legs to drive that fast car of yours" Antonio Rudiger, one of the Chelsea defenders said in his ear while shocking hands with the smaller boy.

Rudiger was big and scary, the guy was more than 6'2, with beard and tattoos, Lando was really intimidated, so he laughed awkwardly and said, "Hah I won't" with a scared smile, "You better not"

"Oh hey, have you met everyone" Mia asked him when she left the talk with some of the staff members. "Yes I did, that Rudiger guy, quite the personality he has" he said looking scared and she laughed

"He looks scary but he has a heart of gold, he is like a big brother to me, all of them are family" the girl explained and Lando couldn't help but smile, the love she talked with about them.

"Oh my god, what the hell are you doing here" the girl asked in confusion and excitement, Lando turned around and saw Frenkie and Riqui. Great, he thought. The sarcasm visible

He had nothing against the two Barcelona football players, they were good guys just when they were around Lando become invisible for Mia.

She rushed to them kissing Frenkie and hugging Riqui. Both players really happy to see her.

For Lando's confusion Mia didn't spend the night with them. After a few minutes she returned to their side of the table where Lando had already made friends.

Tammy Abraham, Timo Werner and Ben Chilwell were sat now on her chair asking Lando about the PS5 F1 game and how to be better than the other boys.

Mia found the view of that very heart warming. Her best friends talking with Lando, it felt so real, like for once everything in her life is perfect.

"I see you already replaced me Norris" she laughed and pushed Tammy of her chair which caused the footballer to fall on the ground and everyone to laugh at him, he got um cleaned his shirt and mumbled 'It's not funny' but still laughed, he couldn't be mad at her for more than 10 seconds.

The whole night they had fun, they laughed they drank, they talked like never before.

Tuchel got up at tapped a glass with a fork to gather everyone's attention, "So uh- listen, Im not very good with words but I want to say how proud I am, of any of you, you made me feel so welcome and today we achieved something very very big, thank you and congratulations" he finished and everyone started clapping at their boss. He looks like a tough guy but in reality he is such a good person.

"I want to say something too" Mia stood up and everyone looked at her, "Different than the coach, I am very good at speeches but I won't make this one long and boring, I just wanted to say how proud I am" while she was talking Lando looked around, he could see how every one of them was looking at her with so much interest, he admired that, "I am so proud of every each one of you, because you have achieved so much, not just here, everywhere. You have a life so manny little kids around the whole world want and you are living in on the max, as you should."

She stopped for a second to look around, "When I came here, I was alone, I was sad, I was on a vert very bad place and thanks to you now I can say I have everything I have ever wanted. I met the most amazing people here, people I will be with forever and I am so lucky to have you" she stopped again to wipe away a tear.

It was weird, to see so many tough guys, big footballers crying, they showed they have hearts.

"Oh and Kai, remember when you said you weren't worthy enough for Chelsea" she asked and the german footballer nodded, "Now you are one with Chelsea, there is no you, there is a team and you are part of it, congratulations coach for making a squad everyone is scared to face, Congratulations Blues" she raised her glass and everyone got up and cheered.

Lando stood there in awe. The power that girl held was something he has never seen.

A few times that night Mia just stopped to look around. She had a family.


Around 3 in the morning it was time to go home.

Frenkie approached Mia and asked her "You want a ride back?" Lando would understand if she wanted to go with him, but still he would be happier to spend some time together.

"No, it's fine, Lando and I are together" she just said like it was completely normal, "Okay, be careful and call me when you are at the hotel, oh and we have a game on Friday, Ill see you there" he hugged her, "Ill see you both there, good night guys" she said while kissing each of their cheeks. Oh how much Lando wanted to be in their place.

"You ready to leave" the driver asked her, "Yes, let's go" both of them and walked to the car, again Lando rushed to open her door and she chuckled, "You know I can open my own door" "I know, I wanted to do it" he simply answered.

Their way back was filled with talks about the night, she asked him what he thought of the players and they laughed a lot at Lando's fear from Antonio Rudiger.

"Thank you Lando, for tonight, it was amazing" she looked at the boy's eyes. They were standing at the lobby, there was no one around, just them, "I enjoyed it too" he replied still looking at her eyes like under some sort of a magic spell.

She was so beautiful, he thought.

Then the most unexpected thing happened. She got on her tiptoes, because even if Lando was not very tall she was still shorter than him, and kissed him, on the lips.

Before he could return the kiss she pulled back and started walking to her room, "Good night Norris" she shouted at him and laughing walked into her room.

While walking back she touched her lips, where his were placed a few seconds ago.

Lando was just standing there, still not processing what just happened. He lifted his hand touching his lips where hers were placed a few seconds ago.

What the hell just happened.
What the hell I just did.

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