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Hi I apologize I haven't been in the best mental state as of late but I will try my very best to get updates out I'm planning on starting another one after this but let's get started!

Max's POV
I wake up to someone shaking me "you gotta get up buddy we are here I'm gonna pick you up ok?" He says softly I'm to tired to answer so I just nod my head he takes my answer and picks me up and I move my head to the crook of his neck and fall asleep again. I wake up in a different room more darker then before..? I loo around and see I'm in an office Andy must've dropped me off, "I see your awake." A deep voice snaps me out of my thoughts "uhh yeah who are you?" I say still a bit tired he looks shocked till I remember he's THE GIOVANNI OF THE MAFIA!!, " ohh I remember who you are." I say tiredly he looks at me with an amused expression "oh then who am I?" He says slowly I sit up from the couch like thing I slept on

" yeah your Giovanni of the mafia right?" I say waking up more he looks shocked again how many times does he do this face? I have no idea but then it turns cold again "yeah how do you know that. Nevermind I already know, you help my men ya?" He asks with a cold tone " I've helped a lot of men I don't know who belongs to what gang I just help people." I say back as I stand up he walks over and throws me over his shoulders " heyy what are you doing!" I say hitting his back lightly.

Time skip
" I want you to meet all the men you've saved and helped." He says coldly once again, jeez invite me to party's I'm sure he's the life of the party, any way he puts me down and I see a bunch of guys " oh my gosh... what the hell that's so many people!" I say scanning over the crowd, "hey dumbasses here's the boy who helped your sorry asses!!" Giovanni yells to get their attention, I start to sneak away because I hate being center of attention " sorry buddy can't sneak away this time, you gotta see them so they can say thanks." Andy comes out and picks me up "Andy let me go I hate having attention please.." I whisper in his ear. He just laughs at me how dare he. I put my head in the crook of his neck to hide my face

Everyone goes silent then they form a line and one by one say their are grateful for my help, I've never been so embarrassed in my life I was red by the time we ended " can I go home?,  yet I have work soon and school today." I ask Andy he looks angry "no way have you seen how your living you barely eat, sleep, or take care of yourself! And don't think everyone doesn't see your bullies hitting you every time they see you!" He says calming down again " well I still gotta work and go to school..." I say with caution, he shakes his head and lays me down on the bed like couch and starts touching my back where my pressure point are " you still need sleep anyway let's hope this works." Andy tells me massaging my back slowly, I start to feel sleepy I start to sleep when the room is scented with lavender and a weighted blanket is now on top of me, but before I can fall asleep I hear Andy on the phone "I got him to sleep, yeah I know I might have to do what I did often, yeah I'll tell you so you can to I already told gio, just come and meet him he's so cute and small for being 20, I know he's like a kitten, anyways I'm gonna let you go he's fighting the sleep and I gotta stay and makes sure he sleeps, yep bye." By the end he's walking towards me and starts petting my hair which makes me sleepy again but 10times more he mouths before I close my eyes " just go to sleep your safe." And that's all it takes to make me close my eyes and relax.

Hello! Everyone I'm sorry for not updating and that stuff
I want you to comment if you guys want a character chapter explaining their characters just tell me in the comments below anyways that's all I have to say but one more thing just be ready for more chapters have a good day! Or night! 😁

So I changed Max's looks a lot so be ready.

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