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Hello! I'm so sorry for the late updates and if your not enjoying the book anymore, I'm feeling a bit depressed but what can you do right. Anyway enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading this it just makes me feel so accomplished In my life even though it's just a book it means the world to me

Max's POV
After andy leaves I "wake" up and google the emotion in their eyes from dinner. I look at different websites and people's opinions and I start to take notes on the topic of love. You see I never really got the chance to ever love something without it being destroyed so I just stopped trying completely. I realized I'll never get the safety of a home, the cuddles after a hard day, a warm meal waiting for you at home, and finally just someone to love.

I didn't realize the time and ended up staying up way past my bedtime and into the next day. Well shit I'm pretty sure you won't get any more chapters(just kidding don't worry) anyway I "wake" up once again and head to the living room where I see a slightly pissed off andy and gio and just the whole gang really. "Wow what happened?" I ask pretty tired from the sleep is for the weak thing, "well someone decided not to go to bed when they were put down and stayed up until the next day, saying that sleep is for the weak." Andy looks at me with a very serious face I can't help but laugh a little before I realized what he just said. How the fuck did he find out!

I walk away to run big run into a wall, never mind that wall is a 6'4 man with a ton of muscles acting like a wall, like you can't do that acting is not for you buddy might wanna find another job. Anyway back to my life at the moment, I run and lock myself in the bathroom, "Max you better come out or your not gonna like it!" Andy yells through the door kicking it every few seconds. I start to feel weird like I'm not myself? That doesn't make sense! What the hells going on!

I walk to the door unlocking it and Andy picks me up and carries me to my room where there's benji and gio sitting on the bed waiting for me and Andy, "so I heard my little raven doesn't like to sleep and thinks it's for the weak." Benji says from my right as I'm in the middle of everyone. I hear another click and oh shit I don't wanna sleep! " sleep is shit and is for the weak! Fuck sleeping! I don't wanna!" I shout while trying to get away from them but they've got me trapped " oh what colorful words you have to say baby bird." Benji says clicking on another button on that stupid remote! I hate that thing!.

I start to feel sleepy as the room gets dimmer and the room fills with the smell of lavender, the air cool and crisp I feel myself get lifted into someone's lap and hear them humming a song I don't quite know, " this is what happens amor when you don't get sleep, your already in your old habits again, now I think it's time to have you take daily naps sweetheart," I hear someone I don't know right now to sleepy, I whine at that and hear soft laughing. I whine again, " shhh your ok baby bird I gotcha now go to sleep you need it." I feel their chest rumble as he speaks.

I'm so tired..., " that's it baby bird cmon just a few seconds then it's night night." I hear another voice but by the nickname I feel like it's benji, I hear another click and moan at the smell and temperature and also the hands going through my hair. I fall into the darkness and this time I do not feel as though I am alone. I feel safe. I love my bed and the people in it.

Hello this is end of this chapter! I'm so sorry for it being short! But I have another idea for a book including a poly relationship with a mentally ill boy at an institution but that won't be till after I finish this one, maybe I don't really know, and sorry if it's getting boring because of the slow updates, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter, but I need to know if you want me to make more characters and another info chapter about them, anyway hope you enjoyed and have a good night/day wherever you are and have some cake 🎂 safe travels everyone! Good bye for now!

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