Ch 20 ( Mature Warning!)

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been taking a break and think of the chapters for my other book on my other account! Which will be at the end! Enjoy this chapter
Also I haven't written smut before so be prepared for the worst 😂
Max's pov
As he grabs the handcuffs I try to run but can't for some reason I look down and see his hands on my ankles. Oh shit  I thought he wouldn't but I was wrong. He cuffs my hands and I feel something funny down there 👇 but I don't say anything. He takes off my clothes along with his "What's your safe word baby?" He asks while he gets everything ready, I say after a while "It's lavender I think also I don't think I'm ready for the butt part just yet." I say slightly nervous, he laughs and gives me a kiss that feels like a thousand flames. "Oh baby I wasn't gonna do that just yet, I was gonna play with this dick right here." He says stroking my dick till it's hard, "Ahhh ohh that feels really good ge." I moan out as he puts a clear looking thing on my dick it feels gooood~ "Oh my good boy is enjoying this isn't he? Oh but what if I do this, ohh that feels good huh?" He says moaning with me.

He goes up and down and I'm a mess I feel so good that my head gets all fuzzy and my eyesight blurs over. "I feel fuzzy~" I say as I'm cumming "I'm gonna explode baby oh oh yeah!" I moan as I finish and just as come back I hear gio say comforting words as I come back from my fuzzy land of pleasure.

"Hey honey come back to me baby cmon you can do it, open those beautiful eyes and we'll go get food." He says rubbing my head he sees my eyes open and gets up and gets my clothes to go out! I'm really excited! Benji and Andy are coming to! We are going to the amusement park and riding all the rides there are. We get there and I take off to the first ride I see "Hey baby wait up we gotta stick together." I hear gio say as they all are now next to me like magic but creepier. Meh oh well

"You wanna know what I see I see a perfect place for forgetting the Ferris wheel!" I say heading over there for our first ride. I want able to go to these when I was a kid so being able to now makes me super happy I could almost explode from happiness.

I wasn't able to have much of a childhood due to my abusive parents and there friends. I was always the butler when they came and just daily, I would serve them drinks, beer, and food they wanted even sometimes I got flirted with and it made me super uncomfortable but I couldn't show them my emotions it was to dangerous. To risky. I was pulled out of my flashback by gio poking me "You ok baby you were spaced out for quite a while." He says with a worried tone, I say "Nah I'm fine just remembering I was never aloud a childhood I had to be a butler basically from a really young age." I say with a sad face, he picks me up suddenly and takes me towards the food.

"Yay food!" I yell just in time for our food to be ready to eat.
I finished a few minutes later with all my food gone, gio looks at me proudly and we head home along with Andy and benji and I fell asleep I think with my body on Andy and benji as gio drove. This was the life my boys a good time I love my family.

Super short I know and I'm sorry it's just hard to do this but I won't give up yet! But just give me time that's all I ask for and

this person has stuck with me through all the missed chapters and stressful moments so thank you I never woulda made it this far without your kind words and encouragement I love you and want to thank you for staying with my book. ❤️ 👇

thank you to Argypapa

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