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Hey everyone here's an update sorry it's so late I've been trying to find something for my friend and couldn't find it until a few minutes ago so please forgive me and enjoy this chapter

Max's POV
I wake up from the couch seeing Andy had left me when I was sleeping well that's nice, I walk into the kitchen to get a snack expecting someone there but there was no one here, did they all leave me? What do I do?, I run to my room and lay in bed staring at the ceiling zoned out for a couple hours, until I hear a knock at the door making me zone out a bit but not much, it was a bad day when I woke up now choosing I was gonna be nonverbal till I had energy to talk one again.

I hear the door open and feel the bed dip, "hey honey bee whatcha doin all by yourself." Andy says picking me up so I straddle him "mmhf" I said back, he realized that it was that kinda day and left it, he took me in the living room again where everyone was again not like I saw and felt when I woke up. "Where did you go? I thought you left me forever." I whisper to Andy which surprises him but he whispers back "Had to go on a last minute mission, we're you scared I'm sorry honey bee." He says sitting down, I said back, "yeah I was then I thought of all the reasons you could have left me for I'm afraid of being alone, but to help my sleeping problem I want to try the oils like the thing that shoots the mist or steam I wanna try that and the tea, also I require cuddles and my weighted blanket if I'm to have daily naps." I finish cuddling back into him he seemed shocked but chuckled and said "sure thing honey bee we can for sure do that." He says rubbing my head "ohh Andy I love it when you do that~" I moan and melt under him he laughs and I hear more laughter but I'm to relaxed to see.

I see Gio and he says to me "well baby I see that's all you need for your nap which is right about now, so shall we do those things you requested and get you to bed." Gio questioned and I nodded and he picked me up and carried me to my room where he set me down and laid down with me, and together we slept through the day.

SORRY SHORT CHAPTER!! I feel tired and need to do some self care so after I post this I will be doing that anyway you lovely people thank you for supporting this book truly love all of you who do, as a person who is alone in their life most of the time it makes me so happy people are reading what IM writing it's unbelievable To me but it makes me really happy and motivated to keep going SO THANK YOU!!
Have a good night/day!! Here's some cake! 🎂

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