Ch 15(short chapter!)

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Happy thanksgiving! Here's a chapter as a thanks to all of your support by reading thank you all!!

Max's POV
I start to feel like throwing up so I do and it goes all over myself and the floor... yuck! Anyway I open my eyes to a thing in my stomach and start to panic "what the hell is that!" I yell my breathing turning frantic, I hear someone yelling orders and I feel someone like a mask around my mouth and my panicking starts to get worse I see Andy and reach for his hand as a comfort in this scary situation.

"Shh honey bee just go back to sleep your gonna be ok it gonna all be fine just close your eyes, there you go just relax. Good boy." He says and by the end my eyes start to close, my breathing slows, and I fall asleep holding his hand.

(Time skip!) After the surgery.

Max's POV
I wake up and feel my stomach in pain, I try to sit up but a hand holds me down and I see that it's gio "Easy little one you just had surgery you need to be resting as much as possible, as for what happened someone put a deathly drug in your food and had tried to kill you but we got it out of your system before it was to late hence your stomach ache, but the person who did it is now in the chambers and will receive punishment very soon." He says kissing my forehead, "wait can you call benji and Andy I wanna see them, and I wanted to tell you thank you and I love you." I say smiling then closing my eyes ready for him to yell at me.

I hear sniffles and look and see he's crying! What?! "What happened whats wrong big bear?" I ask reaching your hug him "you said you loved me! I love you too~!" I laugh and let him go and he gets Ben and Andy and I start to cry " I'm sorry for worrying all of you! It's all my fault! I'm sorry!" I kept repeating that I'm sorry but they stand there for a sec then hug me and whisper sweet words and how it wasn't my fault, "I love you guys." I cry out, they tense, oh no did I do it wrong shit! But I look at their faces and they're the same as gios when I told him, I laugh and lay on their chests on an angle where my stomach doesn't hurt. And goodnight to me!

That's the end of this chapter but I will be doing another this weekend! So that's all I have to say my folks, goodnight/morning, I'm checking out hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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