Chapter 3 - The Hogwarts Express

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Hello readers! I just wanted to let you know that I will do my hardest to continue updating this series as much as I can! 💘

Chloe meets Hermione, Harry and Ron for the first time in this chapter and they will eventually become her future best friends throughout their years at Hogwarts together. I hope you enjoy this chapter! 🥰

The sound of Chloe's alarm ringing immediately woke Chloe up as she groaned quietly, rubbed her eyes and then went to check the time which had read: 6.15am. Chloe then rubbed her eyes once again and sat up in her bed to stretch her arms and legs.

Today was the day that Chloe was heading to Hogwarts to start her first year and she was super excited to just spend her first year at Hogwarts making some new friends, learn a lot of magic and just to have fun.

Chloe got showered and then got changed into her plain black robes for Hogwarts. Chloe straightened her long blonder and put some natural makeup on her face.

After Chloe got ready for the day, she then made sure that she had packed everything into her Hogwarts trunk for Hogwarts and took it downstairs along with Bella's cage. Chloe placed her trunk and Bella's cage next to the front door so that it was ready to be packed into her father's car.

Chloe then walked into the kitchen to grab some breakfast because she needed her energy for today.

Chloe grabbed a bowl of cereal and poured some orange juice into a glass that she was going to have for her breakfast. Chloe then set her breakfast onto the dining room table and went to get some cat food for Bella to eat who was meowing for some food herself.

Chloe stroked Bella for a few seconds and went to sit down at the dining room to eat her breakfast on her own because no one in the house was up yet as it was still quite early in the morning.

Bella shortly joined Chloe at the dining room table and went to lay on the table to go to sleep. Chloe was eating her breakfast and stroking Bella at the same time.

"Morning, sweetheart." Sarah said and saw Chloe turning around in her seat to see who it was that came into the dining room area.

Sarah then walked into the kitchen to start preparing breakfast for her, Joshua, Hannah and Madison who were still upstairs in their bedrooms.

"Morning." Chloe replied to her mother with a smile on her face.

Sarah turned around to smile at Chloe, "So, how are you feeling about going to Hogwarts later on today?" Sarah asked Chloe who sighed and nodded her head while stroking Bella.

"I have had a range of emotions about today ever since I woke up earlier. Like, I was happy, excited, nervous, scared and upset because I will be leaving you, Dad, Hannah and Madison." Chloe explained to her mother who then walked towards where Chloe was sitting to give her a hug and a kiss on her head.

"It's totally normal to feel this way, but I promise you once you get to Hogwarts, it will be such a fun time for you. Do not worry about us, we will do fine, but I think your sisters are very upset that you are leaving them for under a year and they were wondering if they could send you letters while you're at Hogwarts. I told them that you will stay in contact with them." Sarah said and smiled at Chloe before walking back to the kitchen to finish preparing her, Joshua, Hannah and Madison's breakfast.

"Of course I will send you guys letters often while I'm at Hogwarts." Chloe said and stood up from her spot at the dining room table to go and put her cereal bowl in the sink in the kitchen, "I'll be right back, just go to grab my wand, the rest of my school books and other things." Chloe said and saw her mother nodding her head at her.

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