Chapter 5 - A Day at Hogwarts

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Hi everyone! I'm getting very busy with work at the moment, but will try my best to update as much as I can! ☺️

This first part is about Chloe's first week at Hogwarts and then the actual chapter begins!

Over the first week of being at Hogwarts, Chloe and Hermione's friendship had developed a lot and they were now really close with each other and considered each other as their best friend. Chloe and Hermione wasn't really speaking with Harry and Ron much over the first week of Hogwarts since that day at the Great Hall where they got sorted into their own houses.

Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron were in some of the classes together as well and one of their first classes that they had together was History of Magic with Professor Binns and Ava, Sophia and Hayley were also in the same class as Chloe. History of Magic was the most boring class that they had on their timetables because it was the only class that was being taught by a ghost who droned on and on in his class and everyone scribbled down dates and names while listening to him go on and on while in the class with Professor Binns.

Chloe, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ava, Sophia and Hayley were all in the same Charms classes together with Professor Flitwick who was a tiny little witch that had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk and Chloe enjoyed being in that class with her best friend because they sat next to each other in that class.

Today was Wednesday and Chloe had Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall and Potions with Professor Snape this morning and Hermione, Harry, Ron and Ava were in the same class with Chloe.

Chloe then had Herbology with Professor Sprout and Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Quirrell and Chloe had her afternoon classes with Ava, Hayley and Sophia which she was so happy about because she was quickly becoming fast friends with them over the past week that she had been at Hogwarts.

Now for the actual chapter, enjoy!

Chloe and Hermione were currently walking to the Transfiguration class together and were smiling and talking with each other. They both then got into the class and decided to sit next to each other as they waited for Professor McGonagall to start the class. Chloe looked around the class and saw Ava sitting on the desk next to her but there was no sight of Harry and Ron even though Chloe haven't spoken much to them since that day on the train and when they were in the Great Hall together.

A few minutes after Chloe, Hermione and the rest of the students sat down at their desks, the door of the Transfiguration class slammed wide open as Harry and Ron rushed into the class and Hermione and Chloe then turned around and looked at them and they both rolled their eyes at Harry and Ron. Chloe and Hermione then turned back to look at Professor McGonagall who transfigured into a tabby cat that was sitting on her desk.

"Whew, amazing! Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron said to Harry quietly as the tabby cat jumped off the desk and transfigured back into Professor McGonagall and Harry and Ron were pretty amazed at the sight in front of them.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron said with a tone of amazement in his voice as Professor McGonagall looked between Ron and Harry.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley. Maybe if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch, maybe one of you would be on time." Professor McGonagall told Harry and Ron off sternly as the two boys looked down and then looked back up at their professor.

"We got lost." Harry said to Professor McGonagall and Ron nodded his head to agree with Harry as he then looked down onto the ground.

"Then perhaps a map? I trust that you don't need one to find your seats." Professor McGonagall said as both Harry and Ron nodded their heads at their professor.

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