Chapter 7 - The Troll & Quidditch Game

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I hope you guys are enjoying this book! Chloe and Hermione are currently in the girls' bathroom but an intruder enters the girls' bathroom and Harry and Ron goes after them to save them from the intruder ❤️

It was the night of the Halloween feast in the Great Hall where everyone was eating candy and the Jack O'Lanterns keeping the place lit up as there are chatter amongst everyone that was in the Great Hall apart from two people, Chloe and Hermione who was in the girls' bathroom missing the Halloween feast.

Harry looked around his table at Gryffindor and then peeked over to the Hufflepuff table to find that both Hermione and Chloe were missing from the feast that they were having in the Great Hall.

"Where's Hermione and Chloe?" Harry asked Ron who shrugged his shoulders while stuffing his face with Halloween foods.

"Parvati Patil said that Hermione wouldn't come out of the girls' bathroom and also said that she's been there all afternoon...crying. Parvati also said that she saw Chloe entering the girls' bathroom to help Hermione to calm down with her crying." Neville said and looked at Harry and Ron was exchanging nervous glances at each other.

Just after Harry and Ron exchanged nervous glances at each other, Professor Quirrell came flying into the Great Hall screaming loudly.

"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROOLLLL IN THE DUNGEON!" Professor Quirrell kept repeating his words and then stopped in the middle of the Great Hall where there is utter silence amongst everyone else.

"Thought you ought to know." Professor Quirrell said and then fell over to the floor in a dead faint.

The Great Hall is silent for a few seconds and then everyone freaked out, screaming and running all around each other.

"SILLLLLEEENNNNCEEEEE!" Professor Dumbledore raised his voice really loud across the Great Hall which caused everyone to stop panicking and looked towards at their headmaster, "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their own houses back to their dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." Professor Dumbledore said as everyone rushed around in the Great Hall to find their prefects.

"Hufflepuffs, this way!" Zoey shouted out to the Hufflepuff students that were following behind her.

"Stay together!" a Prefect boy said to their house as they made their way through the crowded corridors filled with other students that were following their own Prefect to their dormitories.

Professor Snape looked on in horror as he disappeared through a doorway to go to the dungeons with the other professors to find out what was going on.

Percy Weasley was leading his Gryffindor students down a hallway, "Gryffindors...keep up please. And stay alert!" he shouted out to his students that were behind him.

"How could a troll get into the school?" Harry asked Ron quietly as they were walking back to the dormitory together.

"Not by itself. Trolls are really stupid. Probably people playing jokes." Ron said as Harry suddenly stopped walking and pulled Ron aside, "What?" he asked Harry who was looking straight at Ron.

"Hermione and Chloe! They don't know!" Harry said to Ron as the two of them ran off, down the corridors away from their Prefect that was taking them to their dormitory.

Harry and Ron started to run down a hall when they stopped running because they heard a grunting noise a few feet away from them. Harry then pulled Ron into a doorway next to them and a large, ugly troll moved heavily by into a room.

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