Chapter 18 - Going Back Home

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This is the last chapter of the first book out of 8 books in my A Hogwarts Journey series! 😘

I am currently working on the second book of this series - The Chamber of Secrets! Look out for this over the next few weeks! 💚

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Chloe were currently walking to the train that was docked at the outdoor train station and there were a ton of students walking around them and getting on the train.

"Come on now, hurry up. You'll be late. Train's leaving. Go on. Go on. Come on. Hurry up." Hagrid said to the walking students around him.

Harry handed Hedwig to a train man and walked to an open door of the train with Hermione, Ron and Chloe. Hermione and Chloe waved to Hagrid who waved back at them and got onto the train with Ron.

"Come on, Harry." Hermione said and looked at Harry.

"One minute." Harry said and smiled at Hermione, Ron and Chloe as he then walked over to speak with Hagrid.

"Thought you were leaving without saying good-bye, didja?" Hagrid said and smiled at Harry as he took out a red album out of his coat pocket and handed it to Harry, "This is for you." Hagrid said and smiled at Harry.   

Harry opened the red album and saw a picture that was moving of him as a baby with his parents and they are all smiling and waving and Harry smiled at the photo and then looked up at Hagrid with a smile on his face. 

"Thanks, Hagrid." Harry said and shook Hagrid's hand and then hugged him tightly.

"Oh. Go on...on with you." Hagrid said as Harry let go of the hug, "Oh, listen, Harry, if that dolt of a cousin of yours, Dudley, gives you any grief, you could always, um, threaten him with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his." Hagrid whispered quietly to Harry.

"But Hagrid, we're not allowed to do magic away from Hogwarts. You know that." Harry said, while looking at Hagrid.

"I do. But your cousin don't do, do he? Eh?" Hagrid said and chuckled, "Off you go." he said to Harry, smiling at him. 

Harry walked away from Hagrid and back to the train door where Hermione, Chloe and Ron were waiting for Harry.

"Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?" Hermione said to Harry and looked at him. 

"I'm not going home. Not really." Harry said as he smiled at Hermione, Ron and Chloe who all smiled at each other and at Harry. 

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Chloe all walked onto the train and started to walk past the many compartments already filled with students chattering away as they were trying to find an empty compartment for themselves. 

"I found an empty compartment, in here." Chloe said and opened the compartment door to let Harry, Ron and Hermione to go into the compartment.

Chloe then closed the compartment door behind her and put her suitcase up on the railing above her head along with Harry, Ron and Hermione who was also putting their suitcases on the railing above them. 

The train then whistled which indicated that it was going to leave the station at any second, as Harry and Ron sat down next to each other and opposite them was Chloe and Hermione who was sitting down next to each other in their compartment on the train and they all talked to each other for a few minutes. 

The Hogwarts Express started to leave the station as Harry opened the window of their compartment and waved to Hagrid who waved back to Harry and then waved more to the other students that was waving to Hagrid. 

Harry then closed the compartment window and sat back down in his seat next to Ron and sighed loudly, "Great, back to spending the whole summer with the Dursley's." Harry said and rolled his eyes.

"Harry, I'm sure it will be fine! Listen, you've already got my address, so just send me letters over the summer and I will talk to my mum and dad about having you over for a few weeks!" Ron said and gave a smile at Harry who smiled back at Ron and then looked over to Chloe and Hermione who was having a conversation of their own quietly.

"What about you guys? What are your plans for over the summer?" Harry asked Hermione and Chloe who stopped their own conversation that they were having and looked over at Harry and Ron. 

"Well, I'm staying with Hermione for most of the summer, but will probably visit my family at some point in the summer." Chloe said and smiled at Harry and Ron who smiled back at Chloe. 

"Hey, how about we get your addresses now so that we can keep in touch with you over the summer before the next year starts?" Ron said to Hermione and Chloe who both nodded their heads at him. 

"That sounds great! Chloe has already got my address, but here is my address." Hermione said and wrote down her address twice on two pieces of paper from her notebook that she got out of her bag and gave it to Harry and Ron. 

Hermione then gave her pen and two pieces of paper to Chloe who took it from her and started to write her own address on the pieces of paper. 

"Here you are, guys. That's my address, can't wait to receive letters from you two over the summer." Chloe said and smiled at Harry and Ron as she gave the two pieces of paper with her address on it to them too. 

"Thank you, guys. I will definitely write to all of you over the summer as it will make it less miserable knowing that I can write to you all." Harry said and smiled at Ron, Hermione and Chloe who all smiled at Harry. 

"Can we all promise to keep in touch over the summer with the letters? Like I said, I will be staying with Hermione for most of the summer so send letters to her address." Chloe said and looked at Hermione who nodded her head at Chloe. 

"Of course, we will all keep in touch with each other throughout the summer, I know we will!" Hermione said with a smile on her face, as she, Chloe, Harry and Ron spoke to each other throughout the remainder of their journey back to King's Cross Station. 

A few hours later after the train journey back to King's Cross Station, Harry was back at the Dursley's, Ron was back with his family at the Burrow and Chloe was at Hermione's house and they were excited to spend the entire summer together. 

Even though Chloe was staying with Hermione the whole summer, she would be visiting her family quite a few times over the summer and she had already arranged to go and see her family in a few weeks time and Hermione was coming with Chloe. 

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Chloe have all promised each other to write letters to each other through the summer to keep in touch with each other because they were a really close-knit group with each other until they get reunited again for their second year at Hogwarts which begins in September.

So, Harry is reluctantly back at the Dursley's, he knows that Hogwarts will always be his home and he can write to Ron, Hermione and Chloe over the summer. Ron is back with his family over the summer break and Chloe is staying with Hermione over the summer which will bring the two of them closer with each other! ❤️

Hope you enjoyed this book! ☺️

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