Chapter 9 - Making up with Harry & Home for the Christmas Break

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Just to let you guys know, that Chloe's elbow was all better after the incident with the troll a few weeks ago and just got her bandage off her elbow a few days ago! ☺️

Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron were all super excited for Christmas break at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron were staying in Hogwarts over Christmas and Chloe and Hermione were heading back home to spend Christmas with their own families 🎄

Chloe was studying for her classes and completing her homework in the Great Hall at the Hufflepuff table before Christmas break at Hogwarts. Chloe was finishing off her Charms homework as she then looked over at the Gryffindor table and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione sitting at their table doing their homework as well and decided that now would be the time to make up with Harry as it's been two weeks since their fight and she missed hanging out with Harry and Ron. 

Chloe packed up her stuff into her bag and started to walk over to the Gryffindor table where her three best friends were sitting doing their homework and then sat down next to Hermione. 

"Hey guys." Chloe said and saw Hermione, Ron and Harry all looked up at her with smiles on their faces. 

"Hi! Are you excited for Christmas break?" Ron asked Chloe with a big smile on his face and saw Chloe nod her head. 

"Yes, I am! I get to see my two little sisters after 3 months of not seeing them, so I'm excited! But, I actually came over here to ask Harry if we could speak for a few minutes." Chloe said and looked at Harry who nodded his head. 

"Yeah, I actually do want to speak to you, too. Let's go somewhere private." Harry said and stood up from his seat that was beside Ron and started to walk out of the Great Hall with Chloe following after him. 

Chloe followed Harry into an empty classroom and sat down in one of the chairs facing towards Harry. The minute that Harry and Chloe made eye contact, they both smiled at one another, the first time in two weeks and they knew at that moment that they both wanted to make up with each other after their fight. 

"Look, I wanted to apologise to you about our fight two weeks ago. It took me this long to realise that I was an idiot about you hanging out with Draco." Harry said and gave yet another smile at Chloe who then smiled back at him. 

"It's fine, honestly. I also wanted to apologise to you because I know that you were only looking out for me because you care for me and I guess I didn't see that through the anger of the fight that we had." Chloe said and smiled back at Harry. 

"I miss you and our group feels empty without you. I do really care for you and very protective over you too because you're one of my best friends along with Ron and Hermione." Harry said and looked at Chloe. 

"I've missed hanging out with you and Ron a lot over the last few weeks. I know, you do care for me and I also care about you because like you said, you're one of my best friends along with the other two, but why did you get mad at Draco a few days ago?" Chloe questioned Harry who then looked down onto the ground. 

"I was only mad at Draco because we spoke about you and he just made some horrible comment about how you liked him better as a friend as we don't talk as much anymore." Harry explained about what happened between him and Draco a few days ago and saw Chloe nod her head. 

"Well, Draco told me about what happened and I don't know if you heard us arguing in the Great Hall that night, but I still stuck up for you, Ron and Hermione despite everything that's gone on between us because I care about the three of you the most. Draco still hasn't spoken to me since that night." Chloe said to Harry who nodded his head at her. 

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